David Spero
Born in 1954 in Portland Oregon USA,
Newman began studying the violin at the age of seven. He also developed an intense interest
in the out doors, hiking in the mountains of Oregon and Washington with his
father and friends from an early age.
He continued his studies in San Francisco and New York before
beginning his professional life as an orchestral violinist. He has lived and worked in
Venezuela, Ecuador, Luxembourg and Switzerland. He is currently a violinist in the Tonhalle Orchestra of
Zurich. He lives in Egg bei
Zurich with his wife and two children. He is learning Japanese!
1954年米国オレゴン州ポートランドに生まれる。 7歳からヴァイオリンを習い始める。 又、幼少の頃から父や友人達とオレゴンやワシントン州の山々をハイキング、アウトドアに深く傾倒。 プロのオーケストラのヴァイオリニストになるまで、サンフランシスコとニューヨークで学ぶ。 ヴェネズエラ、エクアドール、ルクセンブルグ、スイスで暮らし演奏活動の経験を経て、現在はチューリッヒのトーンハレ・オーケストラのヴァイオリニスト。 チ
ューリッヒ郊外のエッグに妻と二人の子供と暮らしている。 日本語勉強中!
SE Vol. 13 Dec. 1,
2000 [ E/J/F/D ]
◇ Immigration in modern Japan / 21世紀の日本への提言 / Immigration dans le
Japon modern / Einwanderung in das moderne Japan
SE Vol. 8 October
22, 2000 [ J/E ]
Classic Tour in Ecuador - Part three of three -
SE Vol. 7 October 15, 2000 [ J/E ]
Classic Tour in Ecuador - Part two of three -
SE Vol. 5 October 8, 2000 [ J/E ]
Classic Tour in Ecuador - Part one of three -