┃ Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine
★ jp-Swiss-journal ━ Vol. 102 – November 29, 2008 (Swiss Time)
☆ http://www.swissjapanwatcher.ch/
【 目次 /
国民投票 2008年11月30日
明子 ヒューリマン
National Voting on November 30, 2008
of limitation for pornographic criminal action to children
For a flexible AHV-age
Collective remonstrance rights
For a reasonable cannabis politics
Amendment of drugs law
Akiko Hürlimann
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
国民投票 2008年11月30日
明子 ヒューリマン
次回の国民投票は連邦レヴェルが5議案と州レヴェルもあり、又もや盛り沢山の宿題を与えられたという感じがした。今回の議案は、1児童ポルノ犯罪の時効停止、2 国民年金受給年齢引き下げ、3 集団訴願権、4大麻政策、5 麻薬法修正案、とあって1から4までは国民発議、5は連邦政府・議会
*) の発議だ。連邦政府と議会は、4つの国民発議にはいずれも反対の立場で、5つめは政府提案なので当然のことながら賛成するよう選挙民に求めている。
1つめの議案について、今更ながら驚くのは、児童ポルノと子供に対する性犯罪が世界中で蔓延していることだ。ハードコピー(アナログ)の時代にはこれほど多くは起きなかったことではないだろうか、それとも表面化しなかっただけなのか?個人的にはインターネットの普及が助長した弊害のように思えてならない。現行法では16歳未満の未成年に対する性犯罪の時効は15年だが、被害者が25歳に達すると時効と定められている。児童保護団体 <Marche blanche> が時効を廃止するよう求めて国民投票にかけられることになった。未成年に対する性的虐待の80%は家庭内で起きているとされ、被害が発覚するのは多くの場合被害者が35歳ないし40歳頃であるというので、時効を廃止する発議がされた。反対意見としては、被害者が長年つらい過去と向き合わねばならない事、時間の経過と共に立証が困難になる等の理由で、政府と大方の政党は反対している。冤罪にもなりやすい難しいテーマではある。日本でも近年幼い子供達が性犯罪の被害者になる痛ましい事件が相次いでいる。問題を放置しない為には、教育の一環として子供の為の相談窓口の充実も求められているだろう。
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
Voting on November 30, 2008
Akiko Hürlimann
Next national voting has 5 bills at federal level and also
prefecture level; I felt as if I've got lots of home work again. The bills
of this time are 1. Suspension of limitation for pornographic
criminal action to children, 2. For a flexible AHV-age, 3. Collective
remonstrance rights, 4. For a reasonable cannabis politics, 5. Amendment of
drugs law. Government and parliament recommend people to poll <objection>
from 1 till 4 those are peoples' initiative, and 5 to poll
<acceptance>, of course, that was submitted by the Federal Government
and parliaments.
About the first initiative bill, it's surprised me
indeed that pornography and sexual crime against children are spread
everywhere in the world. I don't think that it was happened such often in
hard copy era, or was it simply remained unreported? Personally I can't
stop thinking that phenomena must be accerelated through internet.
According to present law, duration of prescription of sexual crime against
under age below 16 years old is for 15 years, and when the victim reaches
25 years old, statute of limitations is expired. Child protection
organization called <Marche
blanche> claimed repeal the prescriptions against this kind of crime,
and people have to vote for that. As it said, 80 % of sexual abuse is
happened among family. When it's exposed often victim reached after 35 or
40 years old, then initiative was took. On the other hand, victims should
confront bitter history for years, and difficult to prove with passing of
time, therefore government and almost all political parties are objective
for the initiative. The theme has difficult aspect that easily to be
created unjust accusation. Recently distressing sexual crime against small
children happened many cases in Japan too. In
order not to neglect the problem, help desk for children should be
fulfilled within the scope of education.
The second initiative theme about AHV (National
Pension Plan) seems drawing highest interest, best of all. When the
initiative committee was launched, old Federal Councilor Ruth Dreifuss was joined
and got into the news. Their affirmation is that presently early retirement
is a privilledge only for people receive high company pension plan, and
this is asocial. I don't think that is ignorable, because after 50 years
old people tend to suffer health problem. Initial cost for the system,
government estimate SFr. 1.4 billions and the initiative estimate SFr. 0.8
billions. The difference between both figures is nearly double.
Ex-Saving-Minister Otto Stich also supports the initiative by saying
"We can afford flexible AHV-age without cutting pension." Another
aim seems that to promote early retirement of elderly worker could create
job for younger people especially at present economic crisis. The judgment
is left up to people, however, unless experiment the system, nobody can
judge which figure is correct, I think. Against the bill are younger
generation who support the AHV, and business field who concern about
demographic structure that can destroy AHV system. I must admit persuasive
reason that even topping up a little more money, to afford one's life after
retirement isn't enough.
Third initiative bill is about environment. Conservative party FDP
(Liberal Democratic Party) was launched the bill by supported business
circles, hotel industry, and SVP (Swiss Volks Party). They claim that
stopping big development plan or project by people or parliament inhibits
development of Switzerland, collective remonstrance
rights should be allowed. But, reportedly even within FDP, some member
started to doubt validity of the initiative. Actually, more than 60% of
this kind of cases won certain rights. Opposition group is government and
parliaments, environmental organizations, middle and left wing parties.
Both sides create very active campaign. The area where I live has gradually
less green. The life surrounded by concrete cannot be relaxed. Development
should be reasonable in order to maintain our environment.
Motivation of fourth initiative bill is to protect
younger people from Drugs。Small
portion of drugs consumption or possession should be legalized. Drugs deals
should be permitted only permitted dealer by the government. Under age
should be prohibited as before. Around a half million of cannabis consumer
will be no longer criminal, and arbitrary judgment by the judiciary
concerning cannabis handling will be excluded. Mainly among left wing political
parties support the initiative. On the other hand, conservative parties and
centrist parties, as well as parents against drugs, farmers, and political
organizations are against the bill. They hang out that if cannabis is
legalized, cannabis smoker should increase, and damage their health and our
society. At present, cannabis market is experimentally liberated in both Basel and Ticino
prefectures, and cannabis consumer has increased among young people.
Recently, many cases had happened that Japanese students were arrested due
to possession of cannabis. If it's not accused a crime, young people tend
to be attracted by forbidden fruit. Legal measurement should be settled in
order not to produce lost sheep.
The fifth bill is referendum submitted by federal
government and parliaments as amendment. Drugs measurement of
"prevention, therapy, to minimize harm, deterrence" at prefecture
level so far, central government should also introduced it, and strengthen
cannabis restriction. Four agenda policy has produced a steady flow of
successful results, and we cannot see addict of drugs in public any more.
Main points of the referendum are: heroin supply for severe heroin addict
is legalized by the end of 2009 and this should be extended. Medical doctor
should be able to prescribe cannabis case by case, but the patient should
be registered at Swissmedic. *2) Present law doesn't allow consumption of
cannabis, therefore the amendment should be introduced. The aim of this
bill is that drug addict avoid getting drug on the street, therefore, they
are prevented from crime organization, and they can even come back to the
society. Young anti-drug, parents, and ex-drug-addict organizations are
against the bill. They think the drug politic will be failed and pointed
out flaw of the law that has no description about drugs granted from the
government. Swiss legislative assembly has a tradition to amend
constitution and law frequently, and further amendment will be made in
order to respond to the demands of the times.
*1) Federal Government: National
Voting on November
30, 2008
*2) Swissmedic: http://www.swissmedic.ch/
【Editor's comment】
The bills of this time are not
so difficult affecting fate of the nation like joining EU or UN, however,
the theme are deeply concerning to the Swiss society. The themes need to be
carefully considered for healthy development of our society. Fortunately,
we don't need to desperate Swiss constituency of their interest and balance
sense about politics. Let's wait the result of the polling. I expect the
result shouldn't be surprised.
We are intending to offer you
current topics, based on Switzerland and Japan with global view as a multi
lingual magazine. Irregular release: Weekly Swiss News Headlines will
inform Issuing schedule. Please subscribe both mail magazines. Some
amendment can be made later.
スイスと日本を基点にグローバルな視点で、ニュース性に重点を置きながら、適宜日英独仏語の多言語でお届けします。不定期発行: 発行案内はWeekly Swiss News Headlines からも随時お知らせしますので、両誌共にご愛読お願い致します。 後日修正が加えられる場合があります。
jp-Swiss-journal 】
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