┃ Multi Lingual
Internet Mail Magazine
jp-Swiss-journal ━ Vol. 117 – May 13, 2010 (Swiss Time)
☆ http://www.swissjapanwatcher.ch/
明子 ヒューリマン
National Defense Stance
明子 ヒューリマン
前号では「民間防衛」を国防の基本とすべき、という考えを述べたが、今号ではその根拠となる考え方を補完したい。加藤徹の著書「漢文力」で、古代中国の「孫子の兵法」 * 1) の戦争哲学の真髄が披露されていた。「百戦百勝は最高では無い。不戦百勝こそが最高である。」と。「孫子の兵法」は現代日本でも実業書等で引用される事が多い。奇策を用いる兵法か、という程度の認識であったのが、目を開かせられる思いがした。著者は「費留」つまり戦争で得た権益を手放さず、凶に見舞われた例を挙げてこの戦略の説得力を強めている。
朝鮮戦争やヴェトナム戦争で軍事侵攻した米国だが、現在韓国とヴェトナムとは平和裏に付き合うようになった事を思うと、隔世の感がある。が、資源利権を得ようとして軍事侵攻したイラク、アフガニスタンで、今も出口の見えない戦闘を強いられているのは、まさしく闘いを仕掛けたが故ではないか。現代中国は軍備増強に邁進し、諸外国を威嚇する姿勢を誇示している。この中国政府の領土意識を理解出来なかったのだが、中国人は19世紀半ばの清朝末期 *2) の勢力範囲を領土と認識しているのだそうだ。これも同じく加藤徹著の「西大后」 *3) の中に書かれてあった。孫子の知恵に思いを致す事を忘れているようだ。一人っ子政策の後、高齢化社会を迎えている中国ではないか。莫大な軍事費を社会制度の充実に振り向ける方が、国民からも歓迎され、諸外国からも尊敬される筈なのに、気付かぬ振りをしているのだろうか?
スイスの国防概念は、正にこの「孫子の兵法」の真髄と共通する理念と言えよう。戦闘をせずに自国を守る、という戦略が基本だ。際限の無い軍備の増強に向かうのでは無く、国の規模に相応しい自衛策を講じる事が、最も合理的であるという判断だ。この点について、スイスの国防体制は世界規範にしてもいい内容なので、国連の安保理で努力義務として採択する動きが出て欲しい。2010年5月4日ニューヨークで開催された核不拡散条約(NPT)の再検討会の折、スイスのミシュリン・カルミ=レ外相は演説で、「核兵器は役に立たない、核兵器の保有は不道徳で、その使用は国際人権法の侵害」 *4) と明言した。これまで核兵器保有国は「核の抑止」と詭弁を弄してきたが、現代の強力な核兵器を使えば、地球が広範囲に汚染される事になるのは子供でも知っている。地球は核戦争を許容出来る程大きくは無いのだ。
参照 】
*1) 孫子の兵法:
*2) 清:http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%B8%85
*3) 西大后: http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/
*4) ミシュリン・カルミ=レ外相の演説:
集後記 】
English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
Defense Stance
In my previous version,
I wrote my idea that <Civil Defense> should be the fundament of the
national defense. In this version, I'd like to complement the idea, which
is of help as evidence for that. A war philosophy called "The Art of
War" *1) written by Sun Tzu (6 B.C.) introduced its essence in a book
of "Kanbun-ryoku (= Chinese classics sophistication)" by Toru
Kato. It's described <Fight hundred times and win hundred times is not
the best. Not to fight and win hundred times is the best>. The war strategy
is often annotated in business books even in modern Japan. My knowledge
about the idea was something like a tricky strategy, however, I found as if
my eyes were opened. The author tried to convince readers by giving
examples of cases of which retaining "Hiryu (prize of war)" and
was involved with troubles.
U.S. launched
military invasion in Korean War and Vietnam War, however, now the U.S.
peaceful relations with Korea and Vietnam seems to belong to a different
age. Nevertheless, they are forced to fight even now the endless wars in
Iraq and Afghanistan in order to acquire resource concessions having
invaded there. Modern China pushes forward with armaments and proudly shows
off their attitude for threatening neighboring countries. I didn't
understand the territory mind of Chinese government. Kato Tohru also wrote
in his book "Empress Dowager Cixi" *2) that Chinese thinks their
territory is based on the area in the end of Qing dynasty *3) in middle of
19th century. They seem to forget the Wisdom of Sun Tzu. After the one
child measure, China is in an aging society. Shifting huge armament
expenditures to the social welfare system would be welcomed by the nation
and respected by the internal society. Don't they pretend not to be aware?
We can say the Swiss
national defense concept is a mutual idea of the essence of "The Art
of War" indeed. Defending its own country without fighting is the
fundamental strategy. The judgment is that instead of endless military
expansion, suitable self defense measures for the size of the country is
the most reasonable way. In this point, the concept of the Swiss self
defense system can be a world model, so that movement is awaited to adopt
the system as a commitment of effort by the UN Security Council. The NPT
(the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons) review conference was taken
place in New York from May 3, 2010; on that occasion, Swiss Foreign
Minister, Mrs. Micheline Calmy-Rey declared, <That nuclear weapons had
no use, were immoral, and its use would be a violation of international humanitarian
law.> *4) Nuclear-weapon states use casuistry by saying <Nuclear
deterrence>. However, even children know that if once modern strong
nuclear-weapon are bombed, globe will widely be polluted. Our earth is not
big enough to tolerate nuclear-war.
About Japan, since
the political power change in 2009, the national defense matter is again
closed-up. The issue of realignment of US military forces in Japan becomes
an argument point that too much concentration of US bases in
Okinawa-islands exists. That stems from expectations of Okinawa people
towards the new government. Needless to say, that politician cannot act for
national security without having the support of the nation. In that point,
not like Switzerland, Japan hasn't made a national consensus building yet.
That causes wandering of US base solutions and difficulties of diplomatic
and trade negotiations. Without having peoples' will of self-defense, an
independent and democratic country does not work.
【 Reference 】
*1) The Art of War: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Art_of_War
*2) Empress Dowager
*3) Qing dynasty: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qing_Dynasty
*4) Switzerland
demands an action plan on nuclear disarmament:
【 Editor's comment 】
This time, I even
mentioned about Chinese history that reminded me that we can learn many
things from history.
We are intending to offer you current topics, based on
Switzerland and Japan with global view as a multi lingual magazine.
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