明子 ヒューリマン
2011年5月2日付ターゲス・アンツァイガー紙は、電力会社 <Axpo> *1) のハインツ・ケラー社長が、「原発を止めると電力料金が3分の一値上がりする」と警告した事を報じた。原発が在る北東部諸州と住民にとって経済的な打撃が大きく、現存する原発を止めれば同社には年間数億スイスフランの費用負担となる事等も。原発は運転を続けるより止める方が費用が掛かるという事実が分かった。
スイス全土の電力会社が合同で設立した「スイスグリッド社」*2) は、逼迫する電力供給に対応する為、2020年までに1,000キロメートルの送電線を新設する必要があり、その費用は60億スイスフランに上ると推定する。同社の思い描く重要な電力供給源は「揚水発電所」で、欧州全土を網羅する送電線網「スーパーグリッド」に組み込む必要があるそうだ。スイスの電力会社は建設的模索もしているようだ。
2011年5月6日付ターゲス・アンツァイガー紙によると、連邦原子力安全監視機関 <Ensi> *3) は福島の原発事故の後、全ての原発で安全対策が万全ではないと判断、停止は未だ求めないものの電力会社に迅速に改善するよう求め、各原発の改善リストが新聞紙上に公表された。中でもミューレベルク原発はダムの傍に在るので、運転を継続する価値があるかどうか要検討と報じられ特に関心を集めている。日本では原子炉の熱せられた冷却装置が放射能に汚染された。しかし、スイスではこのような弱点が原子炉停止の条件にはならないそうで、法律に瑕疵があると報じられている。スイスはEUの原発ストレステストにも参加する事にしたそうだ。いずれにせよ人間の考える事なので、所詮は妥協の産物でしかない気はする。
2011年5月22日の日曜日、人口8百万人の国で2万人が所謂「アトミック・ヴァレー」の反原発デモ *4) に参加した。チェルノブイル事故以来最大と言われたデモに参加したのは高齢者、家族連れ、若者等多くの一般市民だった。2011年5月23日付ターゲス・アンツァイガー紙のオンライ調査によると、脱原発に関して2,150人の回答者の内、出来るだけ早くが49%。長期的にが23%、反対は28%、と言う結果が出ている。7月に入って再び、原子力政策に関するスイス公共放送の世論調査の結果が公表された。原発推進派のスイス国民党(SVP)の支持率は30%を割り込み、社会民主党(SP)とキリスト教民主党(CVP)は支持率を増やすという結果だった。又2011年7月4日現在で2,424人が回答を寄せたターゲス・アンツァイガー紙のオンライン世論調査「原発企業を信用するか?」という問いに、「信用する」は17%、「信用しない」は83%で、民意の趨勢は変わっていない。
連邦議会が政府の脱原発政策を追認した後、「原発推進派は未だ原発を諦めたわけではない。」という報道が2011年6月25日付ターゲス・アンツァイガー紙で報じられた。スイスの財界エコノミースイス *5) と大手電力各社は、秋に新しい原子炉の建設を可能にする「反脱原発」ロビー活動の長期的な戦略を準備していると伝えられた。産業界は大容量の安定的な電力を求めており、民意と原発推進派との攻防は予断を許さない状況だ。「望むべくは政治家の姿勢が変わらない事」だが、「今秋の連邦議会選挙が過ぎれば保証の限りでは無い」、という懸念が同紙の投書欄に見られ、引き続き注視が必要のようだ。
2011年6月28日付ターゲス・アンツァイガー紙で、<Ensi>は、「スイスの原発に新たな疑念が出てきた」と、自然災害(地震と洪水)に対する原子力発電所の安全性の検証を求める報道があった。それ以前、既に原発反対派は、福島原発事故後の<Ensi>の安全宣言が誤りだったと批判している。そして、2011年6月30日付のターゲス・アンツァイガー紙に、「ほぼ40年経つミューレベルク原発は非常用冷却装置の設置等複数の改善が必要」と事業者BKW (ベルン電力会社) *6) は29日に判断、30日には原子炉を停止するという突然の発表を、驚きを持って報じられた。定期検査を5週間後に控えた決定だった。BKWはETH (連邦工科大学)の専門家の進言に率先して素早く応じる事で、反対派の意見を封じ込め、9月には同原発の運転再開に理解を得ようとしたと見られている。早過ぎる反応は返って疑念を深め、原発の安全性は経済効果を度外視して検証されるべきだとTA紙は論説。<Ensi>はBKWの計画を停止日の30日に知らされ、情報の透明性も問題視された。
<Nagra> *7) は核燃料廃棄物処理を目的に1972年に設立された官民の共同事業体だが、次の6ヶ所の候補地を視野に入れていると報じられた。1.ユラ・スードゥフース、2. ユラ・オストゥ、3. ノルドリッヒ・レーゲルン、4. スードゥランデン、5. ツュールヒャー・ワインラントゥ、6. ヴェレンベルク。高濃度の核廃棄物の最終処理場は、地下だけでなく地上でも処理が行われる。候補に挙げられたこれらの地域の政治家達は、この事を知らされていなかったと声を上げ、熱い議論が始まった。最終処理場の要件として地震、航空機の墜落、攻撃等に耐えられる事が挙げられている。連邦政府は今年の秋の終わりには候補地を公表し、2020年には決定する意向だと報じられている。現在一時貯蔵所はヴューレンリンゲン(アールガウ)に在る。メディアのコメントは、こうした情報は強く要求しなければ出て来ないと苦言を呈している。
CVP(キリスト教民主党)の43名の連邦議員の内、原発ロビー<aves> *8) に19名の議員がリストに載っている。CVPの脱原発路線を推進する役割を担っている選挙参謀ゲアハルトゥ・プフィスター氏もそうした1人。フクシマの後、CVPは党の方針を「脱原発」に変更したので、2名の連邦議員は5月<aves>
一方13名で構成される全州議会(Staenderat=上院)の<UREK> (環境・エネルギー委員会)は、過半数が原発推進派で占められていることから、「脱原発」への道のりは非常に厳しいとの証言が報じられている。ロイトゥハルトゥエネルギー相(CVP)は政府の脱原発方針を宣伝する立場にあるが、委員会ではCVP委員からの逆風にも晒されているそうだ。
時系列で新聞報道を追っていると、脱原発派と原発推進派の複雑な攻防が一進一退で続いているのが伺える。人口を上回る収容人数を持つに至ったスイスの核シェルターは、核戦争を想定して制度化された施設だが、原発事故で思いがけない利用価値が出てくる危険性をはらんでいる。取り敢えずは、連邦政府の災害チェックリスト *9) で出来る準備はしておくべきだろう。連邦政府のサイトには「日本の地震情報と続報」*10) も掲載されているので、スイス政府の視点も参考になるだろう。
【 参照 】
*1) Axpo: http://www.axpo.ch/
*2) スイスグリッド:
*3) Ensi: http://www.ensi.ch/
*4) 反原発デモ組織:
*5) エコノミースイス:
*6) BKW: http://www.bkw.ch/
*7) nagra: http://www.nagra.ch/
*8) aves: http://www.aves.ch/
*9) 連邦政府災害チェックリスト:
*10) 連邦政府<Japan>:
【 編集後記 】
【 Petition against nuclear power plant / 原発反対署名活動 】
★ To prevent mixed
disaster of earthquake and nuclear
power plant
http://www.geocities.jp/genpatusinsai/images/20040817Eng.PDF (E)
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
Development of breaking
with nuclear power
Akiko Huerlimann
After issuing
"Thoughts of breaking with nuclear power" on April 26, various
related movements were reported, and I've taken a look back.
【 Movement of energy companies 】
Tages-Anzeiger dated May 2, 2011
reported that Mr. Heinz Kerrer, the president
of electric power company <Axpo> *1)
warned "If the nuclear power stations are stopped, electricity
prices will be risen up one third." He also said that economical
damages would be big for people in the North East cantons where nuclear
power stations are located, and the cost of the company for stopping
existing nuclear power plants would be three digits of million Swiss
Francs per year. I gradually know that stopping nuclear power plants costs
more than its continuing.
<Swissgrid> *2), established together with all
electric companies in Switzerland, thinks that 1,000km transmission line
needs to be newly built by 2020 for tight electricity supply, and the
cost is estimated about SFr. 6,000 million. The company considers
<pumped storage power stations> as important electricity supply
source, and the stations should be integrated into the European Supergrid (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_grid)
that covers whole Europe with transmission. Swiss electric power
companies seem to look for productive measures too.
【 Governmental response 】
According to Tages-Anzeiger on May 6, 2011, <Ensi> *3) judged that all nuclear power safety
measurements are not enough after the nuclear power accident of
Fukushima. Ensi doesn't claim for stopping
nuclear power stations yet, however, demanded electric power companies
for prompt improvement, and the list of improvements to each nuclear
power station was published on the paper. Especially Muehleberg
nuclear power plant that is located near a dam, therefore, it's reported
that it should be checked whether it deserves to continue or not, and
that draw increased attention. In Japan, the cooling system of the reactor
was heated and contaminated with radiation. However, such a weak point is
not a condition to stop a nuclear power plant in Switzerland, and it's
reported that this is an error of the law. Switzerland will also join the
so called stress tests of EU. Anyway, I feel that as the thoughts of
human being, the measurements could be just the result of a compromise.
So far the federal
government already decided and announced to phase-out the nuclear power:
affected are the reactors of Muehleberg and Beznau by 2020 and Goesgen
and Leibstadt by 2040. Energy minister Mrs.
Doris Leuthard proposed the federal councilor a
plan to integrate gas power plants to the transmission network instead of
nuclear power. Reportedly among liberal cabinet members, three of them demanded
a clear law of a nuclear ban, centrist energy minister thinks to treat
that within a guideline, and three of the conservative ministers prefer
to place a ten years moratorium. The road map of breaking with the
nuclear power generation seems to be not yet definitely guaranteed.
【 Public opinion 】
On Sunday, May 22,
2011, in a country with a population of 8 million people, 20,000 people
joined an anti nuclear demonstration *4) at the so called "Atomic
valley". People who joined the biggest demonstration since the
Chernobyl disaster were ordinary citizens such as elderly, family, and
young people. According to the online questionnaire about "breaking
nuclear power" by Tages-Anzeiger dated May
23, 2011, out of 2,150 answers, 49% were as soon as possible, 23% were in
the longer-term, and 28% were against it. A public opinion survey related
to nuclear power policy was again conducted by the Swiss Public
Broadcasting in July. The published result was: Pro-nuclear power of SVP
(Swiss Peoples Party) support dropped below 30%, and SP and CVP increased
support. Another online questionnaire by the Tages-Anzeiger
dated July 4, 2011 answered by 2,424 for "Do you believe nuclear
power companies?", "Yes" was 17%, and "No" was
83%. The trend of public opinion hasn't changed.
【 Movement of pro-nuclear power 】
After the federal
parliament's vote to the measurement of breaking with nuclear power by
the government, Tages-Anzeiger reported June
25, 2011 with the headline of "Pro-nuclear power hasn't given up
nuclear power yet". Swiss business circles of <economiesuisse> *5) and major electric power
companies are preparing a long-term strategy of "anti breaking
nuclear power" lobbying activity for enabling construction of new
nuclear reactors up to autumn. Industry claims stable and large capacity
of electricity, so that battle between public will and pro-nuclear power
is not allowing optimism. It concerned readers of newspapers that
"Preferably the attitude of politicians should not change",
however, after the federal election finished this autumn, there is no
guarantee. We still have to observe.
【 Problems of Swiss nuclear power stations 】
Tages-Anzeiger dated June 28,
2011 reported with a headline "Swiss nuclear power found new
problem" that <Ensi> claimed safety
verifications of nuclear power plants against natural disaster
(earthquake and flooding). Before that, the anti-nuclear power side
already criticized the safety declaration after Fukushima by <Ensi> to be wrong. And on June 30 the Tages-Anzeiger reported that BKW *6) judged on June
29, that the nearly 40 years old Muehleberg
nuclear power station needed some improvement such as an emergency
cooling system and announced to stop the reactor on June 30. The sudden
announcement was reported with surprise. The decision was made just five
weeks ahead of the regular checking date. BKW's intention is estimated as
showing an initiative and an act to the advice of ETH (Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology) in order to contain the anti nuclear power, and
try to obtain understanding for the resumption of operation. At the
Editorial of Tages-Anzeiger that too quick
reaction drew suspicion, and the nuclear power safety measurement should
be checked without economical effect. <Ensi>
was informed by the plan of BKW just the day of stopping on 30th, the
information transparency was also viewed with suspicion.
【 Warning against nuclear power stations 】
Tages-Anzeiger dated July 19,
2011 reported as the top article that the highly-respected climate
historian Mr. Christian Pfister demanded a new
investigation into the flood risk of Muehleberg.
He appealed that researchers had estimated that risk of the reactor as
too low. When he studied the forty years old Muehleberg
reactor, he found new problems. He examined all floods in Basel since the
year 1268 for the first time, and the flood of Rhein
in summer reached 6,400m3 per hour. This was much bigger than the flood
in 1999 and in 2007. Apart from that, an information scientist Mr. Marks Kuehni pointed out to the low security of the cooling
system already months ago.
【 Nuclear fuel waste 】
<Nagra> was founded in 1972 as the
government-private sector entity for disposal of the nuclear fuel waste,
and it brought the following six potential locations into view: 1. Jura-Suedfuss, 2. Jura-Ost, 3. Noerdlich Laegern, 4. Suedranden,
5. Zuercher Weinland, 6. Wellenberg. The final disposal
plant of highly-concentrated nuclear waste is to be worked not only
underground but also on the ground. Politicians of those potential
locations protested that they hadn't been informed, and the hot dispute
started. It's said the requirement of the final disposal plant should be
bared for an earthquake, airplane crash, attack, and so on. It was
reported that the federal government intends to announce candidate locations
at the end of coming autumn and wants to decide by 2020. Presently an
impermanent depot is located in Wuerenlingen
(Aargau). Media complaint, that such information wasn't disclosed unless
claimed strongly.
【 Movement of political circle 】
Among 43 of the
federal parliament members of CVP (Christian People's Party), 19 of the
member are on the list of a nuclear lobby <aves>
*8). Mr. Gerhard Pfister, the campaign chairman
of CVP who owes to play a role for the "course of the breaking with
nuclear power" of the party is one of them. After Fukushima, CVP
changed their party line to "breaking nuclear power",
therefore, two of them resigned from <aves>
in May. Presently the situation of CVP is split.
On the other hand,
<UREK> (Commission for Enviornment, Space
Planning, and Energy) of the upper house occupied with 13 members, a
majority of pro-nuclear power politicians, therefore, a witness reported
that the way to "breaking nuclear power" was very difficult.
Energy minister Mrs. Leuthard (CVP) is in a
position to promote "breaking nuclear power" of the government
course, however, she also stands in front of the strong wind of CVP
committee members.
Mr. Martin Graf,
Cantonal parliament member of Zurich, is from the green party and must be
anti nuclear power though he is an executive board member of the energy
company <Axpo> that forwarding of nuclear
power was viewed with suspicion. Almost all the executive board members
of <Axpo> belong to the conservative
parties, therefore, SP (Social democratic party) claimed to electric
companies for more democracy and to stand on the people's side.
【 Conclusion 】
Following the
newspaper reports in chronological order, I found a complex seesaw
struggle between <breaking nuclear power and pro-nuclear power>. Nuclear
shelters in Switzerland have reached its capacity more than the
population that was originally institutionalized as facility in order to
protect from nuclear war. It contains an element of danger that an
unexpected utility value might be created by a nuclear accident. For the
time being, we'd better to prepare ourselves through the disaster check
list *9) of the federal government. The website of the government also
shows "Earthquake in Japan and the following" *10), and we can
see the view of the Swiss government.
【 Reference 】
*1) Axpo: http://www.axpo.ch/
*2) Swissgrid: https://www.swissgrid.ch/swissgrid/en/home.html
*3) Ensi: http://www.ensi.ch/
*4) Anti-nuclear
organization: http://www.menschenstrom.ch/dp/
*5) Economiesuisse:
*6) BKW: http://www.bkw.ch/
*7) nagra: http://www.nagra.ch/
*8) aves: http://www.aves.ch/
*9) Emergency checklists
by the Federal government:
*10) The Federal
Government, <Japan>:
【 Editor's comment 】
I could glimpse at
the difficulties of <Breaking with nuclear power> in the actual
conflicts of interest. Even though, human being cannot control nuclear
power that is not a concealable fact. I don't know how long it takes, but
I think going back to atomic power is simply to accelerate wiping out
【 Petition against nuclear power plant / 原発反対署名活動 】
★ To prevent mixed
disaster of earthquake and nuclear power plant
http://www.geocities.jp/genpatusinsai/images/20040817Eng.PDF (E)
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