明子 ヒューリマン
9年間連邦評議員 *1) として一貫して外務大臣職を務めたSP(社会民主党)のミシュリン・カルミ=レ女史 *2) は今年の連邦大統領 *3) を兼務しているが、9月7日に辞任を表明した。公式の辞任時期は2011年10月23日に投票が行われる連邦国民議会議員選挙の後。12月に連邦評議員選挙が連邦議会で行われることになっているのだが、カルミ=レ連邦評議員は次回立候補しない事を表明した。現政府の連邦評議員としては在任期間最長となることから、かねてから辞任が取り沙汰されていた。このビックニュースをターゲス・アンツァイガー紙は翌日トップ頁から6頁まで割いて詳報した。カルミ=レ大統領の連邦評議員就任当初の評価は、弊誌<Vol. 93 -January 26, 2008 「激震の後のスイスの政局」>であらましを伝えた。最近の評価は就任当初程ではないものの、やはり彼女の業績と存在は非凡と認めるべきだろう。ターゲス・アンツァイガー紙も「頑固な愛国者」という見出しでスイス外交を牽引したと伝えた。
カルミ=レ連邦評議員辞任表明後の最大の注目点は、BDP(Buergerlich-Demokratischen Partei)のエヴェリン・ヴィドゥマー=シュルンプフ連邦評議員が果たして再選されるかどうかという点に集中している。理由は弊誌<Vol. 92 - December 18, 2007 「激震に揺さぶられたスイス政府」>でご紹介しているのでご一読あれ。この時の因縁の計略が、次の連邦評議員戦に複雑な影響を及ぼそうとしている訳だが、その後の経緯も弊誌<Vol. 96 - May 01, 2008「スイス民主主義に連帯のうねり」>、<Vol.98 - July 05, 2008
「保守の分裂」><Vol. 103 - December 31, 2008「スイスの新内閣」>、<Vol. 109 - August 02,
2009 「連邦評議員選」>、<Vol. 120 - September
04, 2010「スイス政府に変革の兆し」>で概略を記した。今読み返しても、当時の胸の熱くなるような経緯が思い出される。
「カルミ=レ連邦評議員の足跡を辿る事は簡単な事では無い」、と9月8日付のターゲス・アンツァイガー紙の表紙を飾ったシャードゥ氏の諷刺画は、超ハイヒールの足跡を描いて意味深。特筆されるべきは、国連人権委員会*4) を国連人権理事会 *5) に格上げを提唱して実現に尽力した事だろう。それでも、この日の同紙にはSPの二人の有力後継候補が写真入りで大きく紹介された。後任は仏語圏出身者に絞られ、1人は労組出身でヴォー州の社会保障と保健担当理事のピエール=イーヴ・マイヤール氏。もう1人は39歳の若手のホープながら経歴は立派なフリブール州代表の全州議会議員アラン・ベルセ氏は保守派にとっては手強い相手と評されている。
前回の逆転劇を主導したSPの党勢だが、左右両方からの攻勢に見舞われている状況だ。SPが二つの閣僚ポストを維持する為には、次回はエヴェリン・ヴィドゥマー=シュルンプフ連邦評議員を支援するのは危険と見られている。共謀した緑の党もGLP(Green Liveral
Party)に支持を奪われる傾向にある。SPと緑の党の戦略に相乗りしたCVPのダルベレイ党首は、BDP会派のグルンダー会長に連携を誘うも断られたと報じられている。現内閣の党派別構成 *6) は、SP 2名、FDP 2名、CVP 1名、SVP 1名、BDP 1名。弱体化傾向のFDPは提携相手も見つからず、2名の閣僚の内1名の再任が危ぶまれている。9月10日現在の各政党の支持率は、SVP 28%、SP 20.5%、FDP15.6%、CVP 14.5%、Gruene 9.5%、glp 4.5%、BDP 3.1%とTA紙は報じた。この中で、ここ1カ月支持を伸ばしているのがSVPとSPとBDP。兎にも角にも、すべては10月23日の連邦議会選挙の結果次第で12月14日の連邦評議員選の趨勢は決まる。
【 参照 】
*1) 連邦評議員: http://www.admin.ch/br/org/index.html?lang=de
*2) Micheline Calmy-Rey:
*3) 連邦大統領:
*4) 国際連合人権委員会:
*5) 国際連合人権理事会:
*6) 連邦議会略称一覧:
【 編集後記 】
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
Aftermath of
announcing the resignation of
Micheline Calmy-Rey, Federal Councilor and
Head of the Swiss
Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
Akiko Huerlimann
As a Federal
Councilor *1), Mrs. Micheline Calmy-Rey *2) of SP (Social Democratic Party) has
been on duty in charge of Head of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign
Affairs through nine years, and in combination with the position as president *3) this
year; she announced her resignation on September 7, 2011. The official resignation
will be after the federal parliament election on October 23, 2011. The
Federal Councilor election will be taken place at the parliament in
December, and the Federal Councilor Calmy-Rey
did not announce her candidacy for a new period. As the longest
Government member in office among the present cabinet, her resignation
was talked about for some time. The <Tages-Anzeiger>
reported details of that big news at the top and up to six pages the next
day. The evaluation of the first years of Calmy-Rey
as federal councilor is roughly described in our magazine <Vol. 93 - January
26, 2008 "Swiss political situation after the seismic tremor">.
Her evaluation is not as good as at the beginning; however, we should
admit that her performance and presence is extraordinary. The <Tages-Anzeiger> reported that she led Swiss foreign
diplomacy with a splash of a "hard-headed patriot".
After the most
remarkable point of that announcement, the focus is concentrated on
either the Federal Councilor Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf of BDP (Buergerlich-Demokratische Partei, Schweiz) whether
she will be re-eligible or not. The reasons were informed in
our magazine <Vol. 92 - December 18, 2007 "Swiss Government
attacked by a seismic tremor from Parliament">, so please read
it. The fatal conspiracy at that time could be complexly influence the
next Federal Councilor election. The subsequent how and why is also
described as summary; <Vol. 96 - May 01, 2008 "Solidary swell for the Swiss democracy">, <Vol.
98 - July 05, 2008 "Fragmented Conservatives">, <Vol. 103
- December 31, 2008 "New Cabinet of Switzerland", <Vol. 109 –
August 02, 2009 "The Federal Councilor Election">, <Vol.
120 – September 04, 2010 "Reform signs of the Swiss
Government"> When I read them again, I still remember the
heartfelt story of that time.
The <BDP>
party was founded after they were kicked off from the SVP, the biggest
and the most conservative party. The mother party of the Federal
Councilor Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf
is still a fringe party, however, she impressed with her high caliber as
Justice Minister first, and then she wanted and changed her position to
Finance Minister after the resignation of Mr. Merz
last year. Since her accedence, she's been
doing a flawless job as the ministers of state, and there are many voices
that it would be pity to let her resign due to the struggle for power.
Now at her prime with the age of 55 years and the turmoil at first, the
situation became calm. The result of an online questionnaire of TA as of
September 9, 2011 showed that people wanting to support her re-election
was at 53% and against was 47% out of 1,470 answered. I understand that
isn't habitually called a "closed vote", but it is a
"clear affirmation" in Switzerland.
The conservative
SVP was the leading party again in the last election, however, it keeps
the attitude of hard liner, and therefore it cannot form a collaborative
relationship with other parties. According to the number of parliamentary
fraction the SVP has rights to get two ministerial posts, but it holds
just the post of the Defense Minister yet. As a matter of course, the SVP
is planning a strategy in order to obtain one more cabinet seat. Presently,
the SVP is creating the "stop mass immigration" campaign, and
reportedly it aims to get the post of Head of the Swiss Federal
Department of Foreign Affairs.
Caricature by <Schaad> with words "It’s not easy to follow footsteps
of Federal Councilor Calmy-Rey" was
covered as top page of <Tages-Anzeiger>
dated September 8, 2011, and the illustrated footsteps of ultra high
heels shoes were meaningful. Noteworthy was that she took the initiative
and proposed to upgrade the "United Nations Commission on Human
Rights" *4) to "United Nations Human Rights Council" *5).
Nevertheless, two major successor candidates of the <SP> were
introduced with big photographs on the day of <TA>. The successors
were devoted exclusively from the French part. One of them is Mr.
Pierre-Yves Maillard who is an experienced
union leader and president of the social welfare and healthcare of the
canton Vaud. The other person is the 39 years old Mr. Alain Berset who is a young hope, however his carrier is
remarkable at the Council of States of Fribourg and he is a tough
negotiator for the conservative party.
The party power of
the <SP> that took up the initiative of that reversal strategy
however is exposed to left and right wings. In order to keep two posts as
Federal Councilor, the <SP> is supposed to be in danger if it'll
support Federal Councilor Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf next time. The conspired <Green
Party> is also in a position to be taken away support by <GLP>
(green liberal party). CVP that joined the strategy of SP and <Green
Party>, the CVP party president Mr. Darbellay
asked Mr. Grunder, president of the parliamentary
faction of <BDP>, for joining the CVP-parliamentary group, however,
it is reported that the offer was declined. The present cabinet structure
regarding to the parties *6) is: <SP> two seats, <FDP> two
seats, <CVP> one seat, <SVP> one seat, <BDP> one seat.
The <FDP> showed a weakening tendency being not able to find a
coalition partner and one of the two Federal Councilors was expected to
be endangered for a reappointment. The support rate of each party as of
September 10 reported by <TA> is as follows; SVP 28%、SP 20.5%、FDP 15.6%、CVP 14.5%、Gruene Partei 9.5%、Gruen Liberale (GLP) 4.5%、and BDP 3.1%. Among them, parties with an increased support rate
are SVP, SP, and BDP. Anyway, the trend of the Federal Councilor election
on December 14 will depend on the result of the Federal Parliament
election on October 23.
【 Reference 】
*1) The Swiss Federal
*2) Micheline Calmy-Rey:
*3) Presidents and
vice-presidents of the Confederation:
*4) United Nations
Commission on Human Rights:
*5) United Nations
Human Rights Council:
*6) Federal
Parliament abbreviation list:
【 Editor's comment 】
The present
situation is as aforementioned, and the result of this year end by an
overview is nowhere in sight. Such circumstances at the Swiss political
arena could be called a sort of twisted phenomena; however, I think the
contortion in the political world could be normal. The job as politician
is quite a difficult occupation to realize different demands of the
nation in a twisted power structure.
We are intending
to offer you current topics, based on Switzerland and Japan with global
view as a multi lingual magazine. Irregular release: Weekly Swiss News
Headlines will inform Issuing schedule. Please subscribe both mail
magazines. Some amendment can be made later.
スイスと日本を基点にグローバルな視点で、ニュース性に重点を置きながら、適宜日英独仏語の多言語でお届けします。不定期発行: 発行案内はWeekly Swiss News Headlines からも随時お知らせしますので、両誌共にご愛読お願い致します。
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