1. 持家協会の「建築費節約発議」
2. Auns 発議「国際条約は国民投票」
3. 国民投票「統合医療保険制度改革案」
明子 ヒューリマン
今回の議案 *1) 3件はいずれも注目度が高く、マスコミの報道にも力が入っている印象を受ける。特に持家促進案の<Bausparinitiative>と医療制度改革 <Managed Care> は国民にとって身近な重要課題である事から、議論沸騰の様相を呈している。個別に見てみよう。
1.<Bausparinitiative>と呼ばれる持家協会 *2) による「建築費節約発議」*3) は、持家促進案だ。住宅を購入したら年間1万スイスフランの税控除を求める内容だ。スイスは諸外国に比べて持家比率が低くいと言われているが、賃貸住宅の質は良く維持管理も良い事が一因のようだ。古い集合住宅でも定期的に維持管理されているのが普通で、住むには支障が無く、何より家賃が割安だ。備え付けの家電製品が壊れたら、家主の負担で買い替えてもらえる。改装したり、新しく建てられた賃貸住宅は、設備も近代的で分譲住宅と遜色ない場合が多いが、家賃も当然跳ね上がる。それなら金利が低い今、夢のマイホームにしたいという願望がこの発議の背景だ。
2.通称 <Auns Initiative> は、外交問題で国民の権利を強化する議案で、<Staatsvertraege vors Volk> *4) とは、重要課題や巨額の財政負担を伴う国際条約は、先ず国民とカントンの判断を仰いでから決めるという内容だ。だが、今回はスイス全カントンの産業界代表が、「スイス経済に悪影響を及ぼす」と、新聞に反対の一面広告を出した。この議案が通るようなことにでもなれば、外国貿易に大混乱が生じかねないとの懸念からだ。スイスで外国貿易とは日常的な交易であることは容易に想像して頂けるだろう。スイス国民はこれまでも充分に直接民主主義の力を行使してきたが、これ以上外交問題への介入は混乱を招くだけだ、という論調を見聞する事が多い。だが、EUをはじめとする列強によるやっかみ混じりの強硬なスイスへの介入が、スイス国民の危機意識を誘発した事は明らかだ。EU加盟も議論の俎上には載るものの、中立、自主独立を脅かされかねない懸念から、依然慎重論も根強い。とは言え、今回の議案に関しては、国際情勢が急激に変化する現代、水面下の情報を知らない国民に、多くの外交問題の判断を委ねる事は危険だ。
この議案を支持しているのは保守のSVPとEDUで、中道政党と革新諸政党が反対 *5) している。政党の外交センスを見る限り、スイスの場合革新諸政党に分があるのは否めない。先の連邦議会議員選挙でも保守のじり貧傾向は止まらず、SVPの執行部は面目を失った。スイス国民の判断は、多少の齟齬はあっても概ね適切な方向を目指していると見る。筆者のような中途からスイス国民にして貰った者でも、いつしか熱心なスイス民主主義の信奉者になっている。最近、大多数のスイス国民は政府を信頼しているという連邦工科大学ツューリッヒ校の調査結果が報じられたように、スイスの真の安全保障は、この民主主義が機能しているという点にこそあるように思える。
3.通称 <Managed Care> は連邦政府と議会に依る統合医療保険制度改革案だが、目指すところは言わずと知れた医療費の抜本的削減を目指すものだ。患者は先ず家庭医又は自分で選んだ医師のネットワークで診療を受ければ、医療費の自己負担が軽減されるという制度だ。この医師のネットワークには医療保険で一定のコスト枠が設けられる。医療費が高額な民間医療機関へ患者に自由に行かれては、将来医療保険が持たないという事情は報じられているので理解は出来る。だが、今回の議案に関しては、医師の間でも賛否様々な意見がある。この議案に賛成しているのは中道系のCVP、FDP、GLP、EVPで、反対しているのは大まかに言うと保守系と革新系の政党だ。窮地に立たされているのは、提案したアラン・ベルゼ内相で、母党SPが反対しているのだ。ベルゼ内相の就任後初の大仕事なのだが、議案に「医療の質の向上」が担保されていないという点が指摘されている。
【 参照 】
*1) 2012年6月17日国民投票政府説明書:
http://www.admin.ch/ www.parlament.ch www.ch.ch
*2) スイス家主協会/Hauseigentumsverband Schweiz:
*3) 「建築費節約発議」委員会サイト<Eigene vier
*4) Staatsvertraege vors Volk:
*5) NEIN zur Staatsvertrags-Initiative
【 編集後記
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□━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
The National
Voting on June 17, 2012
1 Initiative <
2 Auns Initiative <State Contracts voted by
3 Referendum
<Managed Care (Integrated Medical Supply)>
Akiko Huerlimann
Three bills of
this time drew a great deal of attention, and I got the impression that
the mass media were enthusiastic on their reports. Especially the bill
promoting the own house of <
Building-savings> and the reform of the medical system of <Managed
Care (Integrated Medical Supply)> were immediate and important themes
for the people, there the arguments were heated. Let's have a look at the
individual bill.
1. The so-called
<Eigene vier Waende dank Bausparen>
is the bill of <Building-savings> launched by the house owner
society promoting the own house. If you buy a
house, the bill claims a tax deduction of SFr 10,000.--. It is said that
the house ownership ratio in Switzerland is relatively low compared to
other nations; one reason of that is, the quality of rental house is good
and they are well maintained. Even old flat are normally maintained
regularly, no problem for living there and before all the rent is
comparatively cheap. In case of built-in home appliances when they are
broken, the house owner should replace them. Renovated or newly build
rental flats are equipped with modern facilities and many of them are
comparable to a condominium, but needless to say the rent would jump up.
In that case, the mortgage rate is low now; the wish of the own dream
house is part of the bill.
Depending on the
region, due to the soaring price of land, owners of old buildings tends
to rebuild deluxe flats. Because of that, we often hear news that
pensioners were suddenly asked by a notice to relocate; that is hard for
people who felt attached to the place where they lived several decades.
However, if you want to buy a condominium or a house, the financial
burden is quite heavy compared to past. Specialist warn the banks not to
relax the rule of mortgage loans in order not to create personal
bankruptcies. Hiring a concierge to keep clean the mutual part of the
flat is normal in Switzerland, no matter whether it is a rental flat or a
condominium, therefore, the maintenance cost is not cheap, and if the
mortgage loan will go up, there is a risk of creating many sub-prime
The Swiss
unemployment ratio stayed at around 3% recently and is favoured compared to other nations, however, they
still experience the same feeling with fears to lose their job. We have
to consider many factors for a judgement such
as the mid- and long-term demographic movement, the level of the
population inflow, circumstances of the holiday houses of non-residents.
The area where I live big apartments were built, and I fully realize less
and less green land which are called green lungs. Conservative political
parties such as SVP, FDP, and EDU are in support of the bill, and radical
political parties are opposed to it. The Federal Government and the
parliaments unusually didn't make a recommendation for the vote this
time. Anyway, I'd like to think this theme apart from the judgment of political
2. <Fuer die Staerkung
der Volksrechte in der Aussenpolitik> is
the bill to strengthen
the people's rights to the foreign affairs, <Staatsvertraege
vors Volk> requests the judgement
of people and cantons first for Contracts with foreign countries. This
time, representatives of the industrial fields from all Swiss cantons
made a full-page advertisement at news papers telling the bill would have
bad effects on the Swiss economy. Their concern is that if the bill would
be accepted, foreign trade might fall into chaos. In Switzerland, foreign
trade means, you can easily imagine, quite normal everyday trade. I often
learned the argument point that Swiss people have enjoyed to exercise the
direct democracy enough so far, but more than the present, commitment
into diplomatic matter would create only confusion. However, forceful and
jealous interference by major western powers to Switzerland surely would
provoke people's crisis consciousness. The EU accession is still talked
about, but the cautious theory is also deeply supported due to worries of
neutrality and independency might be threatened. Anyhow, as far as the
bill is concerned, international circumstances are rapidly changing
today, people do not know the information what's going on beneath the
surface, it's even dangerous to leave the judgment of foreign affairs up
to the people.
The bill is
supported by the conservative parties of SVP and EDU. Centrist parties
and radical parties are opposed to it. As far as the sense of foreign
diplomacy is concerned, radical parties hold a prominent position. The
dwindling support to the conservative parties did not stop at the last
election, and the party executives lost their face. I find that the
judgment of the Swiss people generally shows a reasonable direction
although some misjudgement had happened. As I
was granted Swiss nationality in the middle of my life, I gradually
became an enthusiastic believer of the Swiss democracy. Recently a
reported study by ETHZ informed that the majority of Swiss people trust
their government; I think that the real security of Switzerland must be
an active democracy system.
3. The so-called
<Managed Care> is about a medical insurance reform presented by the
Federal Government and the Parliaments; this is needless to say that the
aim is to cut drastic medical cost. If a patient goes to see a family
doctor or chooses the own medical doctor's network always first, instead
of going directly to a specialist, then the self-pay burden medical cost
will be less. The said doctor's network is fixed by a certain budget
related to the health insurance. Circumstances were reported and it's
understandable that if a patient goes to see a private clinic with high
medical cost, then the medical insurance cannot cope with the increasing
cost in the future. However, referring to the present bill, there are
many opinions of pro and contra even among medical doctors. The bill is
supported by the centrist parties such as CVP, FDP, GLP, and EVP. Against
the bill are roughly said conservative parties and radical parties such
as SVP, SP, BDP, EDU, and CSP. The Health Minister Alain Berset presented the bill and he is under increased
pressure, because his mother party of SP is against it. It is the first
big job for the Federal Councillor Mr. Berset since taking office. The weak point of this
bill is pointed out that the "quality of medical care" is not
The majority of
the people normally go to see a family doctor first, and the doctor sends
the patient to a specialist if necessary; that habit has been established
already for a long time. The increasing aging tendency of the society
will not change in the future. The medical technology will become highly
developed and expensive. Furthermore generic medicines are increasing and
the price competition become harder. In such an environment, personally,
I think that promoting preventive medicine is effective for cutting
medical cost for the long-term. In addition, I believe that creating a
good life and work balance as well as a healthy living space would
contribute to play an important role for cutting medical cost. This is a
social problem, which cannot be solved if we only take short views. About
the urgent need of the bill, I found, that it is better not to support it
first because it is imperfect. I wish I could have supported the Federal Councillor Berset, but this
time it is inevitable that I have to vote against.
According to media
reports in a day of June, the speculation of the voting result is, that it
is highly possible that all three bills will be rejected. I received that
news as an enlightened voter of the Swiss people. Through national
voting, deeply thinking about the future of the own country, then people
make responsible decisions that is the meaning of direct democracy.
【 Reference 】
*1) Government
explanation of National Voting on June 17, 2012:
http://www.admin.ch/ www.parlament.ch www.ch.ch
*2) Swiss House
owner Association (Hauseigentumsverband
*3) Eigene vier Waende (Own four walls):
*4) State
Contracts voted by People (Staatsvertraege vors Volk):
*5) No to State
(NEIN zur Staatsvertrags-Initiative)
【 Editor's comment 】
I'm nearly
confused because of too many information about pro and contra, then I've
formed my idea mainly with my accumulated thoughts everyday.
Today June 15, Mrs. Aung San Suu Kyi visited Switzerland,
and media reported that she praised the Swiss democracy.
We are intending
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Headlines will inform Issuing schedule. Please subscribe both mail
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