1 国民発議「危機に安全な通貨の為に:通貨創造は国立銀行のみ」
2 賭博に関する連邦法(賭博法)
明子 ヒューリマン
1 国民発議「危機に安全な通貨の為に:通貨創造は国立銀行のみ」*2)
(Vollgeld Initiative」*3)、つまり「金融制度改革(近代化)」*4) を求める議案だ。きっかけは2008年の世界的な金融危機と、多くの国で民間債務と公的債務の増加だった。発議グループは、金融危機の主な原因の1つとして商業銀行が通貨を創造した事にあったと考え、こうした危険を避ける為、スイス国立銀行にのみ現金と電子マネーを創造する権限を与える提案をした。
我が家に発議グループ *3) から配布された8頁の小冊子「VOLLGELD JA(ソブリンマネーに賛成)」がある。「Dein Geld Deine Sicherheit Deine Zukunft(あなたのお金はあなたの安全とあなたの将来)」とも書かれている。改めて見てみると、発議者の多くは金融の専門家で、財界、学界、政界、文化人等著名人が多数賛同者に名を連ねている。
(1) 顧客には、何の変化も生じないが、国立銀行の個人口座は安全な電子マネーとなる。危機に耐える安全な個人口座を使うか、商業銀行に預けて利息を得るか選べる。
(2) 銀行の役割は従来通り口座管理、送金業務、資産管理、貸付を行う。貯蓄、古いローンの返済、国立銀行から受け取る新しいローン等の完全な資金で利益を生み出す経営が出来る。今日「PostFinance」は「Vollgeld銀行」の様に機能しているという実例が既にある。銀行にもVollgeldは大きなメリットが有ると説明している。*5)
(3) 国立銀行は、フルマネー・イニシアティブでさらなる可能性が付与されるが、特定の金融政策は必要としない。国立銀行の独立性は憲法と法律に盛り込まれており、今日同様政党と民間の影響から守られている。
ここ数年かつて無い世界的なバブル崩壊が何時起きても可笑しくないと噂されてきたので、数年前から気掛かりではあった。かつての金融危機ではUBSが国の支援を受ける事態に厳しい批判が巻き起こり、「Too big to fail(大き過ぎて潰せない)」は合言葉のように飛び交った。投資銀行は様々な金融商品で膨大な通貨を創造して流通させ、儲けを懐に入れている。経営陣の巨額の報酬は毎度新聞紙上で取り沙汰されているが、改善される気配は無い。部外者には伺い知れない事情だ。
ところで、同紙は同時に、発議側が「政府は議案説明の重要部分を大幅に歪曲した」と抗議している事も報じた。発議者のウェブサイトには「注意:政府小冊子には20カ所の誤りが有る」と右上に赤く囲まれた注意書きがある。*6) 確かに政府が送ってきた赤い小冊子 *7) の説明は統計の記載も一切無く、連邦政府のウェブサイト *8) の内容的も充分とは言えない印象を受ける。政府や国立銀行は、諸外国との金融政策で共同歩調を取れない事や、国の根幹を揺るがしかねない冒険的な変革は極力排除したいのだろうと察せられる。
2 賭博に関する連邦法(賭博法)*9)
議案に賛成しているのは、政府、政党 *10) ではSP、CVP。SVPは自主投票。この議案でカジノの運営者は強大な権力を手にし、国民の共通財産に貢献することになる。つまり、宝くじとカジノから入る年間10億スイスフランで、スポーツ、文化、社会福祉、国民年金を支える。これ以外のネット検閲は計画していないそうだ。
反対するグループは、FDP、緑の党、GLP、BDP、とCVP以外の全ての政党の青年部。*11) アクセス禁止によるネット検閲を問題視しているのだ。スイスは開かれたインターネット環境を享受しているので、カジノの為にインターネットの自由を犠牲にすべきではないという考え方だ。スイスの規則を守るなら他のプロバイダーにもオンライン・ライセンスを付与するのが賢明で、議会はこの点を検証して、新しい法律を提案すべきだと反論している。2018年5月18日付ターゲス・アンツァイガー紙も社説で「カジノで国は守れない」と議案に反対意見を掲げている。
ところで、2018年5月23日付ターゲス・アンツァイガー紙は、「監視の最後の手段」という見出しで、議案が否決されてもネット検閲は行われると報じた。*12) 反対論者が度々引用するデンマークの例では、2012年から一部オンライン賭博運営業者にもライセンスを付与している。運営業者は例え拠点がマルタであっても、情報の提供と納税義務を負う、と法律に明記されているそうだ。議論の焦点はオンラインの検閲になってきた感がある。しかし、更に2018年5月31日付ターゲス・アンツァイガー紙は、議案の反対キャンペーンが欧州オンライン・ゲーム連合の "European Gaming and Betting Association" *13) から資金提供を受けていたと「SRF "10 vor 10"」 *14) の番組が見つけた事を報じた。これまで、議案を国民投票に持ち込む署名活動に外国のプロバイダーの資金提供は知られていた。スイスの直接民主制が外資に買われる懸念が伝えられている。
【 参照 】
*1) 国民投票2018年6月10日:
*2) 国民発議「危機に安全な通貨の為に:通貨創造は国立銀行のみ
(ソブリンマネー/(Vollgeld Initiative)」:
*3) 「ソブリンマネーに賛成 (VOLLGELD JA)」:
*4) スイス銀行の創出資金 (Schweiz In welchem Umfang stellen die Banken Geld her?):
*5) ソブリンマネーは銀行にも利点が多い (Vollgeld hat fuer Banken viele Vorteile):
*6) 金融改革キャンペーン - スイスからのニュース:
*7) 情報が省略された冊子(政府説明書) “Abstimmungsbueechli” wird zum “Auslassungsbueechli”:
*8) 国民投票2018年6月10日連邦政府説明書
(Erlaeuterungen des Bundesrates - Volksabstimmung
vom 10. Juni 2018):
*9) 賭博に関する連邦法 (賭博法):
*10) スイスの政党一覧:
*11) インターネット検閲とデジタル孤立に反対委員会
(Komitee gegen Internet-Zensur und digitale Abschottung):
*12) 監視の最後の手段(Das letzte Mittel der Aufseher):
*13) European
Gaming and Betting Association: http://www.egba.eu/
*14) SRF "10 vor 10" Das Ausland zockt mit beim Geldspielgesetz:
【 編集後記
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
The Popular Vote
on June 10, 2018
1 Popular
initiative 'For crisis-safe money: Money creation
by the National
Bank only! (Sovereign Money Initiative/
Vollgeld Initiative)'
2 Federal Act on
Gambling (Gambling Act)
Akiko Huerlimann
1 Popular
Initiative 'For crisis-safe money: Money creation by the National Bank
(Sovereign Money Initiative / Vollgeld-Initiative)' *2)
The bill of "Vollgeld Initiative" *3) claims prohibiting
money creation by private banks, that would be a "Financial System
Reform (Modernization)". *4) The motive comes from the worldwide
financial crisis of 2008, and increased private debt and public debt in
many countries. The initiative group considered that one of the main reasons
for it was that commercial banks created currency. In order to avoid such
risks, they proposed to give the authorization and responsibility to
create Cash and Electric Money only to The Swiss National Bank.
There is a booklet
of 8 pages titled "VOLLGELD JA (Sovereign Money YES)",
distributed by the initiators to the letter box at my house. "Your
Money, Your Safety, Your Future" was also written. Looking at it
again, many of the initiators are financial experts, and many are people
from the business world, academia, political circles, and cultural
figures listed up on the booklet as advocates.
In the past, the
currency was Cash only and created 100% by the Swiss National Bank.
However, today, among the circulated money only just 10% is originated
from the Swiss National Bank, and the commercial banks create 90% of the
Electric Money, which is mainly speculative money so called Derivatives.
At the Website of the Initiative (left hand side on Page 3 of the German
PDF-booklet) "To what extent do the Swiss Banks create money?"
*4) shows, for example, that the average Currency Circulation from 2003
to 2015 is only 12% Cash issued by the Swiss National Bank, whereas 88% of
"Deposit Currency" is created by the commercial banks. The background
of the Initiative seems to be that the "Money Games" and the
speculations at financial markets still continue by speculators; the
financial crisis however should not happen again.
The initiative
brochure explains that "Vollgeld (State
Sovereign Currency)" functions as follows:
(1) There will be
no change to the customers, but the individual account of the Swiss
National Bank (SNB) will be safe electric money. You can choose whether
to use a safe personal account, which is stable in a crisis, or to
deposit money at a Commercial Bank and gain interest.
(2) The role of
Banks are as before such as account management, remittance operations,
asset management, and loans. It is possible to create profits with full
funds such as savings, repayment of old loans, and new loans received
from the Swiss National Bank (SNB). Today, there is already an example
for it; it is the "PostFinance", which
functions like a "Vollgeld Bank".
It's explained that Vollgeld is also a big
merit to Banks. *5)
(3) The Vollgeld Initiative allows further possibilities to
the Swiss National Bank (SNB), but does not require any specific monetary
policy. The independence of the Swiss National Bank (SNB) is secured in
the constitution and law; it is protected from the influence of political
parties and the private sector the same as today.
I've been
concerned about the worldwide financial bubble burst, which has been
rumored for several years. In the former financial crisis, severe
criticism came about when the UBS Bank received support from the state,
"Too big to fail" was repeated like a mantra. Investment Banks
create and distribute massive amounts of currencies with various
financial products, then taking profit out of it. A huge remuneration of
the management is often reported by newspapers, but there is no
indication of an improvement. It is a situation that cannot be
understandable by outsiders.
The Government and
Parliament, Swiss National Bank (SNB), all the major political parties
opposed the bill as a dangerous attempt to threaten the financial
location of Switzerland. They have expressed a strong concern about the
Swiss National Bank (SNB); it's independency would be impaired and the
monetary policy would be drastically weakened. They have created a big
opposition campaign. Their attitude is to ensure safety that the deposits
of commercial banks are guaranteed by the Government up to CHF
100,000.--, and capital ratios of banks have also increased. The opposition
also said that once a financial crisis occurs, the soaring price of the Swiss
Franc, which is regarded as a refugee currency, cannot be blocked even
under the "Vollgeld" system. Mr.
Rudolf Strahm, famous economist and former
National Parliament Member of the Social Democratic Party (SP), also
argued that "Vollgeld is a nearly impracticable"
dangerous experiment on a column of Tages-Anzeiger
dated May 15, 2018. He is also concerned that political pressure will
increase if the power concentrates too much on the SNB.
By the way, at the
same time, the newspaper also reported about the protest of the
initiators claiming that "The Government significantly distorted
important parts of the explanation". On the website of the
initiators, there is a note surrounded by red in the upper right telling,
"Caution: there are 20 mistakes in the Government's vote
brochure." *6) Actually, I received the same impression about the
explanation of the red vote booklet *7) sent by the Government; it has no
statistical description, and the content of the website *8) of the
Federal Government is also insufficient. I suppose Government and the
Swiss National Bank (SNB) want to eliminate as much as possible the fact
that they cannot keep pace with the monetary policy of foreign countries,
and a risky reform that can shake the base of the Nation.
Tages-Anzeiger reported on May
18, 2018, twice a public opinion survey by order of Tamedia.
In the first and second survey, the "No's" increased from 34%
to 44%, and the "Yes's" were stagnant from 29% to 30%. However,
I have the impression that there were not a few bills that I cannot
understand like this time. The Swiss Radio also reported that there are
many people who do not understand what the "Vollgeld
initiative" is, and informing by long explanations of experts. But
still, it did not come into focus. In other words, the mind about the
financial system differs depending on each person's position, way of
thinking, and intelligibility, so I think that it is utterly difficult to
make understanding and judgment with a perfunctory explanation. The
system currently does not exist in the whole world, therefore, it's said
nobody knows whether it succeeds or fails without trying it; it seems that
it needs a lot of courage for its practice. Because it is said as a rule
of thumb for the Swiss people to hold on to the status quo as for the
bill, which seems not understandable. An expert said "Although, it
is possible to demand the impossibility in the direct democratic system,
the bill of permissible is also high by the originally conservative Swiss
people." Voters are required to make a careful consideration for a
bill like this.
2 Federal Act on
Gambling (Gambling Act):
There are 21
official Casinos in Switzerland. The drift is to allow the Swiss Casinos
also the Online Business; presently operating Foreign Online Casinos are
irregular and will therefore be prohibited. For this purpose, the
Government will control Online and stop access to irregular sites. Bounty
money below CHF 1 Mio. of small Poker and Lottery other than Casino will
be tax-free.
Affirmative with
the bill are the Government and the political parties *10) of SP, and
CVP. SVP has declared a free vote. With this proposal, Swiss Casino
operators will gain great power and contribute to the common property.
This is to say that the annual fund of CHF 1 billion from the Lottery and
Swiss Casinos will sponsor Sports, Culture, Social Welfare, and National
Pension (AHV). It is said that other censorships are not planned.
The against groups
are FDP, Green, GLP, and the youth sections of all political parties,
except CVP. Their question is about Internet censorship because of the
access prohibition. Their concept is that as Switzerland is enjoying an
Open Internet Environment, therefore, Internet freedom should not be
sacrificed because of the Swiss Casino. They argue that if we observe
Swiss rules, it is prudent to grant online licenses to other providers;
the Parliament should therefore propose a new law. The editorial of Tages-Anzeiger on May 18, 2018 was also opposed to
the bill "Casino cannot protect the country".
By the way, Tages-Anzeiger dated May 23, 2018 reported that Internet
surveillance will be conducted even if the bill is rejected with the
heading "The Last Means of Surveillance". *11) In the Denmark's
case, quite frequently quoted by the opponents, licensing has also been
granted to some online gaming operators since 2012. Even if the site is
in Malta, the operator is clearly stipulated in the Law that it is
obliged to provide information and tax payment. The focus of the
discussion has turned into Online censorship. However, furthermore, Tages-Anzeiger on May 31, 2018 reported that the
program of SRF "10 vor 10" *13) found
out that the counter campaign was funded by the "European Gaming and
Betting Association", *14) which is the European online game
coalition. So far it's been only known the fund provision by foreign
providers for the petition drive of the bill. There is concern that Swiss
direct democracy might be bought by the foreign capital.
*1) Popular Vote
on June 10, 2018:
*2) Popular
initiative 'For crisis-safe money: Money creation by the National -Money-Initiative.htmlnk only! (Sovereign Money Initiative/ Vollgeld Initiative)':
"Sovereign Money YES (VOLLGELD JA)":
*4) Switzerland to
what extent do the banks make money?
(Schweiz In welchem Umfang stellen die Banken Geld her?):
*5) Sovereign
Money has meny advantages for banks
(Vollgeld hat fuer Banken viele Vorteile):
*6) Campaign for
Monetary Reform - News from Switzerland:
*7) "A brochure
with information omitted (Abstimmungsbueechli wird zum Auslassungsbueechli)":
*8) Explanation of
the Federal Council for the Popular Vote on June 10, 2018
(Erlaeuterungen des Bundesrates
- Volksabstimmung vom
10. Juni 2018):
*9) Federal Act on
Gambling (Gambling Act):
*10) List of
political parties in Switzerland:
*11) Komitee gegen Internet-Zensur und digitale Abschottung:
*12) The last
instrument of the supervise (Das letzte Mittel der Aufseher):
*13) SRF "10 vor 10" Das Ausland zockt mit beim Geldspielgesetz /
Forign countries gamble
with the gambling law:
*14) European
Gaming and Betting Association: http://www.egba.eu/
[Editor's Comment]
information that banks will not be necessary in the rise of "FinTec" has been on the net. I think that a
certain restriction is necessary because of exceeding Money Games and
IT-dependency. In any case, I re-acknowledged the things that information
should be viewed widely as much as possible this time. If I see only the elite's
remarks in the political and business world and mainstream reports,
misunderstandings of the essence of things might happen. There is the
case that the truth can be found in small voices. I think that the
popular vote is an opportunity to cooperate and propose the problem to a
small number of intellectuals and citizens to the public.
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