明子 ヒューリマン
スイスでは建設区域が2012年まで拡大を続けていた。事態を憂慮しこの傾向の転換を目指して、緑の党の青年部が主に建設区域の制限を求めて発議した。憲法にはどの建物と施設を建設区域外に建てて良いかを明記する。*1) 新規にどこかに建物を建設する場合、他の地域に在る同じ広さと質の土地を建設区域として取り消さなければならない。更に、政府とカントンに「住宅開発を内部」へ、持続可能な職住近接モデルを小規模な範囲で設定するよう求めている。但し、議案には具体的な対策は示されていない。
政府と両院議会は反対決議をした。国民議会での採決は、賛成が37票、反対が143票、棄権が18票。全州議会は賛成が3票、反対が34票、棄権が7票。圧倒的な反対で決着した。これについて、当時のドリス・ロイトゥハルト連邦評議員は2018年11月26日、連邦評議員在任最後の記者会見で担当大臣として次のような政府見解を説明した。 *2)
上記の理由から、政府は都市の拡大を防ぐには、現行の空間計画法で十分と考えている。進行中の現行法を大きく変える事にでもなれば、行政手続きの混乱と無駄が生じる。政府説明ヴィデオによると、2012年以降建設区域に住む人口は740万人から800万人に増えているが、1人当たりの建設面積は309m2から291m2に減少している。 *3) つまり、発議者の意図に沿った結果が既に確認されている。
2019年1月26日付ターゲスアンツァイガー紙の連邦議会担当ファビアン・レンツ記者の論説に説得力を感じたので紹介する。*4) 表題は「性急過ぎるイニシアティブは、過去数十年で最も賢明な立法プロジェクトの1つを損なう恐れが有る」。多くのイニシアチブの特異性の1つは、効果が最終的な確実性を予測できない。つまり、イニシアチブへの承認によって目標に向かって継続できるのか不明だということ。発議者はそれを信じ、連邦評議会はそれを疑う。
既存の適切な法律を阻害する可能性のある議案を提起した事に、緑の党の未熟さを思わざるを得ない。それにしても、発議支持者には著名な研究者、環境専門家、建築家、農家等が名を連ねている。*5) 2019年1月30日のターゲス・アンツァイガー紙に、「我等の土地を守れ!」を合言葉に、突如発議グループに賛同する500人の建築家の名を連ねた一面広告が掲載されて驚いた。*6) これで果たして形勢を逆転させられるものか見ものだ。SP(社会民主党)も議案を支持している。SPの支持者は党の方針に従って「Yes」と投票すればよいのか、それとも彼等のソンマルーガ環境大臣に従って「No」と投票すればよいのか?2019年秋に行われる連邦議員選挙を控えての、SPの戦略の混乱は、党の命運に蔭を落としかねない。
スイスの国土計画は、国のあらゆる分野を規定する基本的で極めて重要な設計図だ。2019年1月10 から11日にタメディア社が実施した2回目の世論調査は、賛成が依然優位だったが、2019年1月30日付同紙3回目の結果は、反対が57%と形勢が一気に変わった。*7) 今日付けSRFオンライン *8) とブリック紙オンライン版 *9) の世論調査も議案にチャンス無しと報じた。世論調査が一挙に反対に傾いたのは、年初から交代したSP(社会民主党)の環境大臣ソンマルーガ効果と評された。イニシアティブは、主要政党の一角を占めるSP(社会民主党)と組んだところが、途中でSPの環境大臣と対峙する羽目になった。いずれにせよ、スローガンの表層的な理屈に乗ってうっかり承認しようものなら、とんでもない事態になる恐ろしさを国民投票は孕んでいる。
【 参照 】
*1) 連邦政府の説明:
*2) ドリス・ロイトゥハルト国土開発相のヴィデオ解説:
*3) 都市膨張イニシアティヴ(Zersiedelungsinitiative) 政府ヴィデオ解説:
*4) ターゲス・アンツァイガー紙論説:
*5)「都市膨張イニシアティヴ (JA Zersiedelung stoppen Klug bauen)」:
*6)「賢く建てる (Klug bauen)」: https://www.klug-bauen.ch/
*7) Tamedia社3回目世論調査:
*8) SRF世論調査:
*9) ブリック紙世論調査:
【 編集後記
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The Popular Vote
on February 10, 2019
"Stop urban
sprawl - for sustainable urban development
(Urban Sprawl
Akiko Huerlimann
The building zones
had been expanding in Switzerland up to 2012. The Youth Section (Junge Gruene Schweiz) of the "Green Party Switzerland"
is concerned about this and submitted a proposal to specify mainly the
restrictions of the building zones with the aim of turning this trend.
Besides, it shall be defined in the constitution, which buildings and
facilities can still be built outside of building zones. *1) New
buildings zones should only be created if elsewhere an area of at least
the same size as a building zone is cancelled. Moreover, the Initiative
requires that the Confederation and the Cantons promote the settlement
development internally, as well as sustainable housing- and working models
within small-scale structures. In these areas, however, no concrete
measures are required.
Government and the
Chambers of Parliament oppose the Initiative. The voting in the National
Council (Nationalrat) showed 37 votes in favor
of the Initiative, 143 votes against it and 18 abstentions. The voting in
the Council of States (Staenderat), showed 3
votes in favor of the Initiative, 34 votes against it and 7 abstentions.
The Initiative was rejected with an overwhelming majority at the
Parliament. Regarding to this, Federal Councilor of that time, Mrs. Doris
Leuthard explained the following Government
opinion at her last press conference as Minister (Bundesrat)
in charge of the matter at the Federal Councilor on November 26, 2018.
Extremely radical and
inflexible Initiative, which freezes indefinitely nationwide building
zones and will hamper an effective development by region. The
circumstances are different in each region in the canton and
municipality. Depending on the region, there is a possibility of causing
soaring land prices and rents; producing counterproductive effects for
the landscape protection. The implementation of the Spatial Planning Act
adopted in 2013 is carried out gradually and stepwise; the same goal is
promoted with an exclusive focus.
It is stipulated
that not only buildings zones are concerned, but also too large buildings
zones are subjected to restriction and should not exceed the anticipated
demand within 15 years. That will increase cultivated land. Cantons,
whose buildings zone are not fully utilized, must adapt its structural
plan and have it approved by the Federal Council no later than by the end
of April 2019. 15 Cantons have carried it out. But Cantons, which have
not completed it yet, those are not permitted to set up new building
zones. A proper classification of buildings zones and non-building zones
is currently in operation.
For the reasons
stated above, the Federal Government considers that the current spatial
planning method is sufficient to prevent the expansion of Cities. In case
of changes to the current law underway, it will cause confusion and waste
of administrative procedures. According to the Government explanation
video, the population living in the buildings zones has increased from
7.4 million to 8 million since 2012, however, the building zone per
capita has decreased from 309 m2 to 291 m2. *3) In other words, results
are consistent with the aim of the initiators and have already been
I was convinced by
the Editorial of the newspaper "Tages-Anzeiger"
dated January 26, 2019 by Mr. Fabian Renz who
is in charge of the Federal Parliament, so let me introduce it. *4) The
title was "The Urban Sprawl Initiative wants too much too fast. It
threatens to spoil one of the smartest legislative projects of recent
decades." One of the peculiarities of many initiatives is that the
effect cannot be predicted with final certainty. In other words, it is
unknown whether we can continue towards the goal with an approval of the
initiative. The initiative believes it, and the Federal Council doubts
The "Young
Green" received a certain appreciation by revitalizing the
discussion of "Space Planning", which seemed to be buried and
achieved like a good deal of fruits. The Initiative deserves at least a
notable success on the voting day. The expansion of the City makes
concerns and the awareness of the initiative is appropriate. The
Government is continuing to address this issue as an urgent task. The
consent to the initiative is however a sharp constraint on the spatial
planning. The total space of the Swiss building zones will soon be full.
Newly appointed SP
(Social Democratic Party) Environment Minister, Mrs. Simonetta
Sommaruga is Federal Councilor and was involved
once in the committee of the Landscape Initiative that stipulated a
moratorium of building zones. This should give initiators and voters,
which want to take care of our landscape, confidence. You can be
confident that Sommaruga will accompany the
matter (dossier) with the necessary strictness. And the
"Greens", whether young or old, shouldn't focus on the building
zones, but on the area outside of it. The construction boom that is
taking place there at the moment is more than alarming, and the proposed
regulations of the Federal Government (Bundesrat)
are not convincing. For landscape protectionists there is more than
enough to do. That is the Editorial.
I have to think
about the immaturity of the Green Party by presenting a proposal that may
hinder the existing legislation. Even so, prominent researchers,
environmental experts, architects, farmers and others support the
initiative. *5) On January 30, 2019 the "Tages-Anzeiger",
surprisingly posted a full-page advertisement with the name of 500
architects who agree with the initiative-group, showing the headline
"Defend our Land!" *6) I wonder whether this will surely
reverse the situation. SP (Socialist Democratic Party) also joined into
the support of the Initative. Should the
supporters of the SP vote "Yes", according to the party's
policy or should they vote "No", according to the opinion of
their Minister of Environment Mrs. Sommaruga?
The turmoil of the SP strategy, ahead of the Parliament Elections to be
held in the autumn of 2019, can bear down on the fate of the party.
The Swiss Land
Planning is an extremely important design drawing that defines every
field of the country. In the second opinion poll conducted by "Tamedia" on January 10 to 11, 2019, the
"Yes" was still ahead, but the result of the third opinion poll
of the newspaper on January 30, 2019, turned the tide to a "No"
with 57%. *7) SRF-Online and "Blick"-Online
*8) also reported that there will be no opportunity for the Initiative.
The public opinion survey was reversed at once in one word, it's said to
be the effect of SP Environmental Minister Sommaruga
who took office from the beginning of this year. The Initiative
co-operates with the SP-party, which occupies a major part of the main
party, but on the way, it confronted the SP's Environmental Minister. In
any case, popular votes hold a certain danger, which might cause a
terrible situation, if voters inadvertently approve a proposal with a
superficially logic slogan.
*1) The Federal
Government explanation:
*2) Video
explanation by Mrs. Doris Leuthard:
*3) Urban sprawl
initiative(Zersiedelungsinitiative) Government
Video explanation:
*4) Editorial of Tages-Anzeiger:
*5) Stop urban
sprawl - for sustainable urban development
(urban sprawl
initiative): https://www.zersiedelung-stoppen.ch/
*6) "Build
smart (Krug bauen)": https://www.klug-bauen.ch/
*7) The third Tamedia-opinion poll:
*8) SRF opinion
*9) Blick opinion poll:
[Editor's comment]
It's a pity that
Federal Councilor, Mrs. Doris Leuthard resigned
at the end of 2018. I remember that she wasn't afraid in any place, never
felt nervous, talked to the Swiss citizens naturally, behaved friendly
and dashingly on the international stage. At the age of 43 years, she was
elected to one of the highest executive agencies of the Government, and
she served as Minister for Economic Affairs and Minister of State for
Infrastructure (Environment, Transportation, Energy, Communications) over
the past 12 years. Even though, the support rate of her political
maternal party CVP (Christian Democratic Party) in conservative center is
dropping, her success was outstanding. Even the acrimonious media prized
her overwhelming victory rate in popular votes, "Doris build
Switzerland". That media began to talk about her quitting frequently
and urging her to resign around end of the third term of office. In my
opinion now, she could have been in office one more term, because she was
still young and showed not tiredness. I think Switzerland seems to have
missed out the nonesuch.
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