┃ Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine
★ jp-Swiss-journal - Vol.
203 – November 20, 2021 (Swiss Time)
☆ http://www.swissjapanwatcher.ch/
1) 介護イニシアティブ
2) 裁判官イニシアティブ
3) 2021年年3月19日COVID-19法修正案
明子 ヒューリマン
【E】The Popular Vote on November 28, 2021
1) Nursing Initiative
2) Judge Initiative
3) Amendment of March 19, 2021 to the
COVID-19 Act
Akiko Huerlimann
━━━━━━━━━━━━【 日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
2021年11月28日国民投票 *1)
明子 ヒューリマン
1) 介護イニシアティブ *2)
由民主党(FDP)、連邦民主連盟(EDU=プロテスタント原理主義連名)、スイス・シュピテックス、健康保険協会サンテスイス、病院協会 Spitalverband H+。
賛成は、SP(社会民主党)、緑の党、グリーンリヴェラル、EVP、Die Mitte青年部、スイス労働組合連合(Schweiz. Gewerkschaftsbund)、スイス労働組合上部組織(Travailsuisse)、FMH(Swiss Medical Association FMH=スイス医療機関協会)、スイス介護専門職協会(Schweizer Berufsverband der Pflegefachfrauen und Pflegefachmaenner)。
SRGの世論調査は、賛成が1回目は78%、2回目が67%と後退したものの、依然堅調というところ。*4)*5) イニシアティブに対する賛成多数に、アラン・ベルゼ保健相は相当焦っている様子で、このままでは際限の無いコスト負担になると、度々メディアで警告を発している。スイスの看護職は、熟練介護士の不足に悩まされており、スタッフの変動も激しい。看護職員の負担が大きい為、その多くが数年後に辞めていく。こうした事情によって、外国人介護スタッフへの依存度も高くなっている。高齢化と、高齢者治療の需要増、コロナ・パンデミックが、介護問題の早期解決を一層困難にしている。
2) 裁判官イニシアティブ *6)
連邦政府と議会は、抽選による連邦判事の選任は適していないと判断。この手続きは、民主的な選挙が偶然に置き換えられてしまう。更に、連邦政府の裁判官が独立した判断をしないという証拠は無い。既存の制度はその価値を証明している。議会による選挙は、プロセスに民主的な正当性を与えている。将来、連邦判事が抽選で決定されるとしたら、それは民主主義にとって有害になる。 最も有能な人々が選出されるのではなく、最も幸運な人々が選出されることになる。
議会の各会派は現在の制度を一致して承認しており、反対は、連邦評議会、SVP、 SP、Die Mitte(旧CVP)、FDP、緑の党、GLP、EDU、EVP。
賛成は、企業家Adrian Gasser の市民委員会、海賊党、GLPフリブール。
3) 2021年年3月19日COVID-19法修正 *7)
2021年3月の法改正により、それまで支援を受けることができなかった、あるいは支援が少なすぎた被災者に対して、議会は経済的支援を拡大した。感染の連鎖を断ち切るため接触者の追跡が強化され、連邦政府はCovidテストを推進し、その費用を負担することが規定された。又、海外への渡航を容易にし、特定のイベントが実施出来るようにする為に、通称3G規制である、「回復した人(Genesene)、ワクチンを接種した人(Geimpfte)、陰性の人(negativ Getestete)、」に必要なCovid証明書の法的根拠も制定した。
Covid 19法は、人々や企業がよりよく保護されるよう何度も改正されている。2021年3月には、重要な経済援助を拡大し、支援のギャップを埋める調整が行われた。Covid証明書は、海外への渡航を容易にし、特定のイベントを開催出来るようにする。
【 参照 】
★ スイス連邦議会の政党名 / Political parties represented in
*1) 国民投票2021年11月28日:
vom 28. November 2021
*2) 政府説明: Erlaeuterungen
des Bundesrates - Volksabstimmung vom 28.11.2021:
Erlaeuterungen des
Bundesrates - Volksabstimmung vom 28.11.2021
(PDF, 581 kB,
*3) 介護イニシアティブ/Pflegeinitiative:
*4) SRF世論調査1回目:
*5) SRF世論調査2回目:
*6) 裁判官イニシアティブ:
*7) 2021年年3月19日COVID-19法修正案:
*8) 原始カントン行動同盟:
*9) 法律家の宣言: www.declaration-juristes.ch
【 編集後記 】
国民投票の議案は、まともに向き合えば、とてつもなく複雑な要素が包含されている。議案によっては、長い経緯があり、その全てを考慮して賛否を判断するのは、一介の庶民にはとても重荷ではある。今回は連邦政府の冊子の内容に注目してみたが、概要だけでも回りくどく要領を得ず、理解するのに可なり根気が要る。各報道機関の情報は、とっつきやすいものの、バイアスが掛かるのは否めないし、人は過ちを犯す者とは言え数字の間違いも見受けられた。端的で理解し易いのは、賛否それぞれのキャンペーン広告だ。今回は、殊に大量のキャンペーン広告が展開されたが、すべての資金源が推測出来るわけでは無い。ともあれ、既存の法律に異を唱え、恒常的に国民が政治を自主的に検証する仕組みは、諸外国には無い制度だ。 (A.H.)
━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
The Popular Vote on November 28, 2021
Akiko Huerlimann
1) Nursing Initiative *1)
This is a Proposal to ensure the Quality of
Care provided by
Hospitals, Nursing Homes, and Spitex (a Home Care Organization), and
to improve the Salaries and other
Benefits of Care Workers. Health-
Care Professionals shall be able to claim
Compensation for specific
Tasks directly from Health Care- or other
Social Security Insurances.
The Government-Parliamentary
Counter-Proposal proposes an Investment of up to CHF 1 Billion during 8
Years for Training and further Education, but makes no new Provisions for
Working Conditions or Compensation.
The Summary of the Explanation distributed by the Government is as
follows. *2)
Nursing (Care) is an important Pillar of
the Healthcare System.
As the Population continues to age, the
Profession is facing major
Challenges. In order to maintain high-quality
Nursing Care,
a greater number of Professionals must be
trained in this Field in
Future. Besides, Conditions must also be
created that allow Nurses
to remain longer in the Profession.
This popular Initiative calls on the Confederation
(State) and
Cantons to do more in support of the
Nursing Profession, in order
to ensure universal Access to
appropriate, high-quality Nursing.
There must be a sufficient Number of
certified Nurses, and Care
Professionals shall be deployed in accordance
with their Training
and Competencies. The Initiative also
proposes that the
Confederation must regulate Working
Conditions and ensures
appropriate Compensation for Nursing
Services. Nurses should also be
able to bill certain Services directly to
Health Insurance
[Indirect Counter-proposal]
The Federal Council (Government) and
Parliament believe that this
popular Initiative goes too far, and they
made therefore an Indirect
Counter-Proposal. Training and further
Education shall be funded
with up to CHF 1 Billion over a Period of
eight Years. Nurses would
be able to bill Insurance Companies
directly for certain Services,
with a Control Mechanism in place, in
order to prevent Healthcare
Costs and Insurance Premiums from rising
as a Result. The Counter-
Proposal will come into force if the
popular Initiative is rejected
and no Referendum is taken.
[The Federal Council (Government) and
Chambers of Parliament
recommended a "NO"]
The Federal Government and Parliament intend
to strengthen the
Healthcare System. However, among the
Demands of the Initiative,
the Federal Government's Regulation of
Working Conditions,
especially Working Hours, is seen as
excessive. The Counter-Proposal
of the Government and Parliament would
ensure that more Nurses are
trained quickly, giving them higher
Competencies without increasing
Costs or Premiums. The Government's
Position is that Working
Conditions should remain the
Responsibility of Employer- and
Employee Associations as well as Cantons
like before. The Primary
Healthcare is enshrined in the
Constitution and should not be
referred to a specific Profession.
The National Assembly's Vote (Nationalrat) was, 116 Votes against
(No), 74 Votes in favor (Yes), and 6
The Council of States' Vote (Staenderat) was, 30 Votes against (No),
14 Votes in favor (Yes) and 0
Against are Government and Parliament,
the Cantons, the Conservative
Party SVP, Parties FDP and EDU, Spitex Schweiz, Health Insurance
Association Santesuisse,
and Hospital Association Spitalverband H+.
[The Initiative Committee's
Recommendation is "Yes."]
For the Initiative Committee, the Nursing
Emergency has been a
Reality for Years. There are too few
Nurses trained, and many of
them quit after a few Years because they
are exhausted.
The Initiative Committee believes that
the Indirect Counter-Proposal
of the Government and Parliament is
insufficient because it lacks
Measures to keep Nurses engaged in the
Profession longer.
The Initiative is supported by SP (Social
Democrats), Greens, Green
Liberals (GLP), EVP, the Young Mitte, Swiss Labor Union
Travailsuisse, Swiss Medical Association FMH,
der Schweizer
Berufsverband der Pflegefachfrauen und
Pflegefachmaenner (Swiss Association of Medical Nurse
Women and
The Centrist-Conservative Mitte-Party (ex CVP) declared a free Vote.
The SRG Poll shows that the approval Rate
for the Initiative is high
with 78% in the first Round, it dropped
only slightly to 67% in the
second Round, but remains steady. *3) *4)
The forecasted Majority in favor of the
Initiative caused a lot of
Pressure to Health Minister Alain Berset; he often warned in the
Media that the Cost Burden will be
unlimited if the Initiative has
to be implemented. The Nursing Profession
in Switzerland suffers
from a Shortage of skilled Care People
and has a high fluctuation of
staff. Due to the great Strain on the
Nursing Staff, many leave the
Nursing Job after a few Years. Because of
these Problems, there is
also a great dependence on foreign
Nursing Staff. The Aging of the
Population, the Elderly need more Care
Treatment, and the Corona
Pandemic make it even more difficult to
find quick solution for the
Nursing Care Problem.
2) Judge Initiative *5)
The Initiative Committee argues that
there is no Separation of
Powers in Switzerland today. This is so
because Judges must belong
to a political Party and must fund this
Party too in order to get a
Justiceship Position as a Federal Judge. This turns
the Judiciary
into an Extension of the Legislature. By
abolishing Re-Election,
the Initiators want to prevent Parliament
from exerting political
Pressure on the Judiciary with the Threat
of Re-Election. The Summary
of the Explanation distributed by the
Government is as follows. *2)
Under the current System, Parliament
elects Federal Judges by
Elections taking place every six Years.
Parliament seeks to maintain
an appropriate Representation of the
political Parties in proportion
to their Support among the Electorate.
From the point of View of the
Initiators, this Election Process impairs
the Independence of the
Judiciary, and makes it nearly impossible
for those with no Party
Affiliation to be elected as Judges.
The Judge Initiative aims to introduce a
new Election Process.
Federal Judges would be selected by Lot
from a Group of Candidates
chosen by a Committee of Experts.
Candidates would be evaluated
based on their Professional and personal
Qualifications and chosen
by Lot according to their Suitability for
the judicial Office.
It would be a Requirement that the four
official Swiss Languages
receive proportional Representation on
the Federal Courts. Federal
Judges could hold Office for up to five
Years after they reach
statutory Retirement Age. Judges would no
longer have to stand for
Re-Election as they do today. Parliament
could withdraw Judges only
if they have seriously violated their
official Duties or if they are
permanently unable to exercise their
[The Federal Council (Government) and
Chambers of Parliament
recommended a "NO"]
The Federal Government and Parliament
have decided that the
Selection of Federal Judges by Lottery is
not suitable.
This Procedure would replace democratic Elections
with Chance.
Furthermore, there is no Evidence that
Federal Judges do not make
independent Verdicts. The existing System
has proven its Worth.
Elections by Parliament give a democratic
Legitimacy to the Process.
If in the future Federal Judges are
determined by Lottery, it will
be detrimental to the Democracy. Instead
of electing the most
qualified People, the luckiest People
would be elected.
The National Assembly's Vote (Nationalrat) was, 191 Votes against
(No), 1 Vote in favor (Yes), and 4 Abstentions.
The Council of States' Vote (Staenderat) was, 44 Votes against (No),
0 Vote in favor (Yes) and 0 Abstentions.
Parliamentary Groups have unanimously
approved the current Election
System; the Federal Council Government),
the Parties SVP, SP,
Die Mitte
(ex-CVP), FDP, Greens, GLP, EDU and EVP say NO to the
Judge Initiative.
[The Initiative Committee's
Recommendation is "Yes."]
The Initiative Committee believes that
the current System makes it
difficult for Federal Judges to make
independent Verdicts for Fear
that they will not be re-elected.
Besides, independent Candidates
have no Chance of being elected. The
Motivation for this judicial
Initiative is to correct these
In favor are Entrepreneur Adrian Gasser's
Civic Committee, the
Pirate Party, and the GLP Fribourg.
According to the SRG Poll, the approval
Rate for the Judge
Initiative was at 43% (Yes) in the first
Round; in the second Round
it showed a slight drop to 41% (Yes). It
seems that there is no Hope
for a reversal. *2) *3)
3) "Amendment of March 19, 2021 to
the COVID-19 Act" *6)
As the Corona Pandemic continues to be
unpredictable, the Parliament
amended the March 19, 2021 Covid-19 Act
and adapted it to the actual
Situation. Expanding the Emergency
Assistance for example to Companies,
to self-employed People, to unemployed
People, and for short-time work
Compensation, etc. The Amendments
included Contact-Tracing, Promotion
of Covid-Testing,
and finally the legal Basis for the Covid-Certificate.
In a Referendum held in June, the Voters
approved the Amendments with
a Yes-Majority of 60.21%. The Parliament
made again new Amendments to
the Covid-19 Act in March 2021. Then, a
Group opposed to this,
launching a new Referendum on
"Federal Law (Covid-19 Act)". The Summary
of the Explanation distributed by the
Government is as follows. *2)
The Corona Pandemic required the Federal
Government to take swift
and widespread Action to protect People
and Businesses, forcing them
to resort to Emergency Legislation. In
September 2020, Parliament
passed the "Covid-19 Act",
stipulating additional Measures that the
Government should take to combat
Pandemics and how to curb economic
Damage. The Law has been amended several
Times in response to the
Development of the Crisis. After a
Referendum, 60% of Voters
approved the Law on June 13, 2021. On
November 28, 2021 Part of the
Law, the Part relating to the Adjustments
decided by the Parliament
in March 2021, was again questioned in a
By amending the Law in March 2021, the
Parliament extended financial
Support to Victims who had previously
been unable to receive
Assistance or who had received too little
Support. Contact-Tracing
has been strengthened to break the Chains
of Infection, and the
Federal Government is required to promote
and pay for Covid-Testing.
Parliament also established the legal
Basis for the Covid-
Certificate required for "Recovered
(Genesene), Vaccinated
(Geimpfte), and
negative Tested (negativ Getestete)
commonly known as the 3G Regulations, to
facilitate Travels abroad
and allow certain Events to take place.
[The Federal Council (Government) and
Chambers of Parliament
recommended a "YES"]
The Covid-19 Law has been amended several
Times to better protect
People and Businesses. In March 2021,
Adjustments were made to
expand critical financial Aid and fill
Gaps in Assistance.
The Covid-Certificate
will make it easier to travel abroad and allow
certain Events to take place.
The National Assembly's Vote (Nationalrat) was, 169 Votes in favor
(Yes), 13 Votes against (No), and 13
The Council of States' Vote (Staenderat) was, 44 Votes in favor
(Yes), 0 Vote against (Yes) and 0
[The Referendum Initiative Committee's
Recommendation is "No."]
The Committee finds that the Amendments
to the March 2021 Law are
unnecessary and extreme. It believes that
the existing Laws are
sufficient to protect against Covid-19
and other Diseases. According
to the Committee, the Amendment of the
Law leads also to a Division
of Switzerland and to a massive
Surveillance of Everyone.
Opposition to the Covid-19 Act comes
mainly from Conservative
Forces, including the Friends of the
Constitution, the Network of
Vaccination Decision, the Action Alliance
Original Cantons*7), and
SVP and EDU; and a new Committee
"Free Left Switzerland" (Freien
Linken Schweiz), in the Circle of
Covid-Certificate Opponents.
GastroSuisse (Swiss Employers' Association of Hotel
& Restaurant
Industry) declared a free Vote.
Opponents are most concerned that the
Introduction of the "Covid-
Certificate" leads to a Surveillance
Society and violates Human
Rights of those who refuse to be
vaccinated. There seems to be no
small Amount of Opposition to the Efforts
made by Health Minister
Alain Belset to
introduce it, suspecting that it could be used as
a political Tool. In view of a Threat of
Dismissal without a "Covid-
Certificate", a Placard from a
Healthcare Worker saying "My Job is
safe, because no one wants it" was
seen at the Demonstration.
In Switzerland, as in neighboring
Countries, the Number of Corona
Infections among Young People has been on
the rise, and there are
Fears of Mass Infections in coming Winter
Months. While some Parents
are trying to protect their Children by
vaccinating them, others are
refusing to vaccinate their Children, and
Education Officials are
struggling to cope with the Situation.
The Swiss Lawyers' Guild has
also opposed the Idea, again and again
placing detailed Opinion Ads
in Newspapers. *8)
The SRG Poll showed no Change in support
for the Covid-19 Act, with
61% (Yes) in the first Round and again
61% (Yes) in the second Round;
just the Opposition rose slightly from
36% to 38%. But, still a large
Number of People are in favor of the
Covid-19 Act, therefore an
Approval will be likely.
◆ Political parties represented in Parliament:
The Popular Vote on November 28, 2021
*1) Nursing initiative (Pflegeinitiative):
*2) the Explanation distributed by the
Government / Erlaeuterungen
des Bundesrates -
Volksabstimmung vom 28.11.2021:
(PDF, 581 kB,
*3) SRF Public opinion first poll:
*4) SRF Public opinion second poll:
*5) Judge initiative:
*6) Amendment of 19 March 2021 to the
COVID-19 Act:
*7) Aktionsbuendnis
Urkantone (Action alliance original cantons):
*8) www.declaration-juristes.ch
[Editorial note]
Referendum Proposals are incredibly
complex if you take them
seriously. Some of the Proposals have a
long History, and it would
be a Burden for the average Citizen to
consider all of them by
deciding whether to approve or
disapprove. This Time, I focused on
the Contents of the Federal Government's
Pamphlet, but even just
the Outline is too roundabout and
garbled, and it takes a Lot of
Patience to understand. The Information
from the various News
Organizations, while easy to understand,
was undeniably biased, and
although we are all fallible, there were
some Mistakes in the
Figures. What is more straightforward and
easy to understand, are
the Campaign Ads for and against. This
Time, there was
a particularly large Amount of Campaign
Advertising, but not all of
the Sources of Funding can be guessed. At
any Rate, a System in which
Citizens can disagree with existing Laws
and voluntarily can examine
Politics on a regular Basis, is a System
that does not exist in other
Countries. (A.H.)
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