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Internet Mail Magazine
JP-Swiss-journal - Vol. 209 –September 21, 2022 (Swiss Time)
☆ http://www.swissjapanwatcher.ch/
1) 国民発議「畜産場発議」
2) & 3) 「国民年金の安定化 (AHV21)」
4) 「源泉徴収税に関する連邦法改正」
明子 ヒューリマン
【E】The Popular Vote on September 25, 2022
1) "Factory Farming Initiative"
2) & 3) "Stabilization of AHV
4) Amendment to the Federal Act on
Withholding Tax
Akiko Huerlimann
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
明子 ヒューリマン
1) 国民発議「畜産場発議」*2)
現状: スイスの動物福祉法は世界で最も厳しい法律の1つと称され、一度に何匹飼育しても、動物の尊厳と福祉は守られている。連邦政府は、自然に近く、環境にも動物にも優しい農業生産形態を推進しているので、動物が快適に厩舎で暮らし、定期的に屋外に出ることが出来る家畜が増えているという認識だ。
議案: 発議委員会が、牛や鶏、豚などの家畜の尊厳を守ることを憲法に盛り込んで、工場での畜産は動物福祉に反するので、工場での畜産禁止を求めて発議した。この議案が承認されれば、連邦政府は、動物に優しい住居やケア、屋外へのアクセス、屠殺、畜舎毎の最大飼育頭数等、更に厳しい最低条件を設定しなければならなくなる。動物、動物製品、動物由来成分を含む食品の輸入にもこの条件が適用される。
議会の評決: 国民議会が反対106票、賛成77票、棄権8票。
反対は、連邦評議会(内閣)、SVP(スイス国民党)、Die Mitte(旧キリスト教民主党)、FDP(FDPリヴェラル)、Schweizerischer Bauernverband(スイス農民組合)、GastroSuisse(スイス飲食業組合)、Gewerbeverband(中小企業連合)、Economiesuisse(大手企業連合)。
発議の賛同者は、政党ではSP(社会民主党)とグリーンリヴェラル、団体ではTierschutz(動物保護)、Bio Suisse(有機スイス)、Pro Natura(自然保護団体)、Kleinbauern-Vereinigung(小規模農家組合)。
情勢: 当初賛成がやや優勢だったが、支持は低下傾向。「国民年金改革法」と「源泉徴収税減税案」の陰に隠れるように、注目度は低め。
2)、3) 「国民年金の安定化 (AHV21)」*3) *4)
AHV安定化改革は、今後 10 年程度の年金財源確保を目指す改革で、2つの法案に賛否の投票が求められている。1つは、財源確保の為に付加価値税を引き上げる。この増税案は憲法修正案なので、国民投票が必須。第二の提案は、給付の変更。この変更に反対するレフェレンダムが要求された。2つの法案は連動しているので、どちらかが否決されれば、改革全体が廃案になる。
現状: 団塊の世代が年金受給年齢に達し、平均余命が伸びている為、AHV の財政的安定が危険に晒されている。 数年後には、AHV の収入だけで全ての年金を賄えるか危ぶまれている。
議決権行使の質問: 付加価値税の引き上げによるAHVの追加資金調達に関する2021年12月17日の連邦令を受け入れるか?
議会の評決: 、国民議会が賛成126票、反対40票、棄権27票。
議決権行使の質問: 2021年12月17日の老齢遺族保険(AHVG)に関する連邦法の改正(AHV21)を受け入れるか?
AHV改革賛成派は、SVP(スイス国民党)、Die Mitte(旧キリスト教民主党)、FDPリヴェラル、GLP(グリーンリヴェラエル)、EVP(福音国民党)、Economiesuisse (大手企業連合)、Arbeitgeberwerband (雇用者連合)、Gewerbeverband (中小企業連合)。
情勢: スイス社会の高齢化は進み、ベビーブーム世代が年金受給年齢に達しているので、単純計算で考えても年金基金は今後益々逼迫する可能性は容易に想像出来る。不足分を消費税引き上げと、女性の年金受給年齢1年引き上げの二本立てで対処しようという改革案だ。賃金格差を始め、キャリア形成で女性が依然不利な状況に置かれている現状は、絶え間なく議論されているのに、何故女性の年金受給年齢だけが引き上げられるのかには、疑問の余地があると言わざるを得ない。
4) 「源泉徴収税に関する連邦法改正」*5)
現状: 連邦政府は、利子所得に対して35%の源泉徴収税を課している。
議案: スイスの企業に、スイスで債券の発行をするよう促す為に、国内債券の源泉徴収税を免除する提案。これに依って投資家にとってスイスの債券がより魅力的なものになる。有価証券の購入と売却の際に支払われている譲渡税も撤廃される。「源泉徴収税」と「譲渡税撤廃」両方の措置がスイス経済に利益をもたらすことになる。最良のシナリオでは、改革が発効する年に資金調達出来る可能性がある。しかし、この法案で脱税が増えると予想する発議委員会が、改革に反対してレフェレンダムに漕ぎ着けた。
議決権行使の質問: 「2021年12月17日の源泉徴収税に関する連邦法(ITA)の改正(債務資本市場の強化)を受け入れるか?」
改正案に賛成は、政党ではSVP(スイス国民党)、Die Mitte(旧キリスト教民主党)、FDPリヴェラル、GLP(グリーンリヴェラル)、Economiesuisse(大手企業連合)、Bankiervereinigung(銀行協会)、Arbeitgeberverband(雇用者連合)、Gewerbeverband(中小企業連合)。
詳細: 企業だけでなく、連邦政府、カントン、自治体も債券を発行する等して資金を調達している。債券を取得した投資家は、見返りに利息を受け取る。連邦政府は、この国内債券の利子に対して35%の源泉徴収税を課している。これによって、所得税と富裕税が保証される。
還付が困難な場合: 源泉徴収税の処理は、投資家、企業、連邦、カントン、市町村にとって費用負担が増すので、海外に住む個人や企業の再請求手続きは複雑になり、払い戻しには申請書の提出が必要だ。海外から申請する場合、法的な状況で源泉徴収税の一部還付か、全く還付されないことも有り得る。源泉徴収税がある為、特に海外の投資家にとって、スイスの債券市場は魅力的ではない。
国際競争: スイスの債券市場は未発達で、衰退傾向にある。例えば2020年には、新規に発行された債券の価値は2010年に比べて約20%も低下している。シンガポール、韓国、アメリカ、イギリスの金融センターは、スイスよりも大幅に多くの債券を発行しており、その筆頭がルクセンブルク。
超党派で3大政党SVP(スイス国民党)、Die Mitte(旧キリスト教民主党)、FDP(自由民主党)の議員とBauernverband(農民組合)、Gewerbeverband(中小企業連合)、economiesuisse(大手企業連合)、Arbeitgeberverband(雇用者連合)等スイスの主要団体の代表者達が名を連ねている。
【 参照 】
★ スイス連邦議会の政党名 / Political parties represented in
*1) 2022年09月25日国民投票
vom 25. September 2022:
*2) 畜産場発議 / Massentierhaltunginitiative
Factory Farming Initiative
*3) & *4) AHVの安定化(国民年金改革AHV21)」:
*5) 源泉徴収税に関する連邦法改正:
【 編集後記 】
━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
The Popular Vote on September 25, 2022
Akiko Huerlimann
There are four Bills to be balloted in
the upcoming Popular Vote, but two of them are tying in with the National
Pension Reform Law.
The Government's explanatory Document is
80 Pages long, so I was somewhat put off. Let's make up our Minds and look
at each Bill, and think about the Points of Contention and the Situation. *1)
1) The People's Initiative "Factory
Farming Initiative" *2)
Current Situation & Proposal of the
see "Factory Farming
Voting Question: "Do you accept the
Public Initiative "No Factory Farming in Switzerland?"
The Federal Government (Bundesrat) and Parliament recommend "NO".
The Federal Government and the Parliament
are against the Initiative. Animal-friendly Husbandry is on the rise and
Livestock are already very well protected. A Ban on the Import of Products
that do not meet organic Standards in the Livestock Industry cannot be
implemented without a great Deal of Effort, which would make many Foods
even more expensive.
Parliament's Verdict:
The National Assembly (Nationalrat) voted 106 NO, 77 YES, and
8 Abstentions.
The Council of States (Staenderat) voted 32 NO, 8 YES, and 1 Abstention.
Against: Federal Government (Cabinet),
SVP (Swiss People’s Party), Die Mitte (former
CVP), FDP (FDP.the Liberals), Schweizerischer
Bauernverband (Swiss Farmers' Union), the GastroSuisse, Gewerbeverband (Small
and medium-sized Enterprise Association/SMEs), Economiesuisse
(Swiss Corporate Union)
The Initiative Committee recommends
The Initiative Committee's Perception is
that Animal Welfare Laws are often described as exemplary, but the Reality
of Agriculture is different and calling for animal-friendly Housing and
Care, regular outdoor Exercise, small Number of Animals, and gentle
The Apostles of the Initiative are SP
(Social Democratic Party) and Green Liberal among political Parties, and Tierschutz (Animal Protection), Bio Suisse, Pro Natura, and Kleinbauern-Vereinigung
(Small Farmers Association) among Associations.
SITUATION: Initially slightly in favor,
but Support is declining.
It received less Attention, overshadowed
by the "National Pension Reform Act" and the "Withholding
Tax Reduction Act."
There is concern that this Agenda will
lead to higher Food Prices.
Families that cannot afford expensive
organic Food will purchase inexpensive imported Products.
Since Switzerland will never be able to
achieve 100% Food Self-Sufficiency, its Dependence on foreign Countries
must be reduced as much as possible in the Interest of Food Security.
In addition, the Reality is that the Swiss
are dependent on Dairy Farming for Agriculture in the Highlands, and too
much Restrictions on Dairy Farming would make it impossible for them to
preserve the Land.
This seems to be a "Pile the Roof on
Top of the Roof" kind of Proposal.
The leftists' Arguments have often a
Tendency to Narrow-Mindedness that could shake the Foundation of the
Nation, as if they were trying to "kill the Bull by the Horns. It
seems that Compliance with the current Law is the Answer.
2) & 3) "Stabilization of AHV
(AHV21)" *3) 4) [Old-Age and Survivors' Insurance (OASI)]
The AHV Stabilization Reform is a Reform
that aims to secure Funding for National Pensions for the next 10 Years or
so, and requires a Vote for or against two Bills. The National Pension
Reform consists of two Bills, one of which would increase the value-added
Tax (VAT) to secure Funding. This proposed Tax-Increase is a constitutional
Amendment, so a popular Vote is required. The second Bill is to change
A Referendum wants to oppose this Change;
the two Bills are linked, and if either is rejected, the entire Reform will
be scrapped.
Current situation & Bill: see "OASI " Reform:
The first, "supplemental Funding of
the AHV through an Increase of the value-added Tax," requires a Vote
because it is an Amendment of the Constitution.
Voting Question: Do you accept the
Federal Decree of December 17, 2021 on the supplemental Financing of the
AHV through an Increase of the value-added Tax (VAT)?
The Federal Government (Bundesrat) and Parliament recommend "YES".
AHV Funding alone will be insufficient to
fund the Program, which will require a significant Reduction in Benefits.
Parliament's Verdict:
The National Assembly (Nationalrat) voted 126 YES, 40 NO, and
27 Abstentions.
The Council of States (Staenderat) voted 43 in favor, 0 against, and
0 Abstentions.
A Minority of the National Assembly (Nationalrat) called not only for an Increase of the
value-added Tax, but also for a Portion of the Profits of the Swiss
National Bank (SNB) to be injected into the AHV.
The second Bill wants to reform the
Old-Age Survivors' Pension System.
This Bill would adjust the AHV's Benefits
by gradually raising the Pension Age for Women to 65 Years, the same Age as
Voting Question: Do you accept the
December 17, 2021 Amendment to the Federal Law on Old-Age Survivor's
Insurance (OASI) (AHV21)?
The Federal Government (Bundesrat) and Parliament recommend "YES".
Parliament's Verdict:
The National Assembly (Nationalrat) voted 125 YES, 67 NO, and
1 Abstention.
The Council of States (Staenderat) voted 31 YES, 12 NO, and
0 abstentions.
In favor of the AHV Reform are the
Parties SVP, Die Mitte, FDP, GLP, EVP, Economiesuisse, Arbeitgeberverband
(Employers’ Association), and Gewerbeverband
(Trade Association).
The Referendum Committee recommends NO. https://ahv-21-nein-so.ch/
The Attempt to unilaterally cut Pension
Fund Costs at the expense of Women, who receive one-third less in Pension
Benefits than Men, has alarmed AHV21, the first of many Pension-cutting
Policies that will affect us all.
The Opponents of the OASI/AHV Reform are
the SP, the Greens, Gewerkschaftsbund (Trade
Union Federation), Travailsuisse, and Unia.
SITUATION: With the Aging of Swiss
Society and the Baby Boom Generation reaching pensionable Age, it is easy
to imagine that Pension Funds will become increasingly strained in the
Future, even by simple Arithmetic. The proposed Reforms will address the
Shortfall by raising the Consumption Tax and rising the Age for Women to
receive Pensions by one Year. The Fact that Women are still at a
Disadvantage in terms of Career Development, including Wage Disparity, is a
Subject of constant Debate, but why only the Pension Age for Women is to be
raised is open to question.
On Monday, September 5, about 300 Women
reportedly demonstrated against the OASI/AHV Reform in the Hometown of
Alain Berset, the Minister in charge of
AHV-Reform. Feminists in the Canton of Vaud argued that "before rising
the Pension Age, the Wage Gap must be eliminated." However, 39% of
French-speaking Voters said they will vote "YES" or are "somewhat
in favor" of the AHV-Reform, while 57% of German-speaking Voters will
vote "YES" to the Reform, according to the Survey. Minister Berset, although opposed locally, seems to have a
comfortable Margin, since the Number of male Voters in the German-speaking
Part is high, and thus the Majority is in favor of the Bill. However, there
is a Possibility that this may affect his political Life in the Future.
4) Amendment to the Federal Act on Withholding
Tax *5)
Current Situation & Act: see
Amendment to the Federal Act on Withholding Tax:
Voting Question: Do you accept the
December 17, 2021 Amendment to the Federal Withholding Tax Act (ITA)
regarding Withholding Tax (enhanced Debt Capital Market)?
The Federal Government (Bundesrat) and Parliament recommend "YES".
Federal Government and Parliament want to
bring back lost Jobs and
Tax Revenues to Switzerland.
This Reform would strengthen the Swiss
Bond Market and Labor Market.
Parliament's Verdict:
The National Assembly (Nationalrat) voted 125 YES, 70 NO, and
0 Abstentions.
The Council of States voted 31 YES, 12
NO, and 0 Abstentions.
In favor of the Amendment are the Parties
SVP, Die Mitte, FDP, GLP,
Economiesuisse, Bankiervereinigung
(Swiss Bankers Association),
Arbeitgeberverband (Employers’ Association), and Gewerbeverband
(Trade Association).
The Referendum Committee recommends
The Referendum Committee believes that
the Reform will increase Tax
Evasion and reduce Tax Revenues by up to
CHF 800 Million.
Foreign Investors will benefit most from
this Reform. However, the Withholding Tax on Swiss Bank Accounts will
remain in place.
In addition to Corporations, the Federal
Administration, Cantons, and
Municipalities also raise Funds by
issuing Bonds and other Means.
Investors who acquire the Bonds receive
Interest in return.
The Federal Government imposes a 35%
Withholding Tax on the Interest from these domestic Bonds. This guarantees
Income and Wealth Taxes.
Difficulty in getting a Refund: Because
the Withholding Tax Process is costly for Investors, Companies, the Federal
Administration, Cantons, and Municipalities. The Reclaim Process for Individuals
and Companies living abroad is complex and requires the Submission of an
Application for a Refund. When applying from abroad, the legal Situation
may result in a partial Withholding Tax Refund or no Refund at all.
The Withholding Tax makes Swiss Bonds
unattractive, especially for Foreign Investors.
International Competition:
The Swiss Bond Market is underdeveloped
and tends to decline.
For example, in 2020, the Value of newly
issued Bonds was about 20% lower than in 2010. The Financial Centers of
Singapore, South Korea,
the USA and the UK issue significantly
more Bonds than Switzerland, with Luxembourg on the Top.
Conservative Parties and the Business
Community are "not Afraid, let's get our Tax Revenues back!",
launched a Pro-Referendum's Campaign on Withholding Taxes. The leftist SP
Social Democrats, Travailsuisse (Trade Union),
Greens, and EVP oppose the Reform, saying it will facilitate Tax Evasion by
the Super-Rich.
[General Discussion]
On September 18th, as Voting Day
approached, I found a Flyer in our Mailbox issued by the "Swiss
Stability Committee" entitled "Stable Switzerland Together."
Members of the three major non-partisan
Parties, SVP, Die Mitte, and FDP, as well as the
Representatives of major Swiss Organizations such as the Bauernverband (Farmers' Union), Gewerbeverband
(Trade Association), Economiesuisse (Economic
Association), Arbeitgeberverband (Employers' Federation),
etc. launched a Proposal based on the Idea of a national Initiative to
"create a Livestock Industry".
The Statement urges "NO" to the
"Livestock Farms Initiative" and "YES"
for the "two AHV Acts" and
"Abolition of Withholding Tax.
Prior to this, a Flyer recommending
"YES" to the "Abolition of Withholding Tax" was
distributed also to Households.
These Developments suggest a strong Sense
of Urgency on the part of the Leadership in Switzerland.
According to the latest Poll conducted on
September 14, the Percentage of Respondents in favor of the two AHV Acts
remained stable at around 60%, with the "Abolition of Withholding
Tax" rapidly gaining in favor, on the other hand, the "Livestock
Farm Initiative" is increasingly likely to be rejected by the Voters.
★ スイス連邦議会の政党名 / Political
parties represented in Parliament:
*1) The Popular Vote on September 25,
*2) Factory Farming Initiative /Massentierhaltunginitiative:
*3) & *4) OASI reform (AHV21):
*5) Amendment to the Federal Act on
Withholding Tax:
[Editor's Postscript]
The popular Voting Bills were tricky.
After much groping around in the Dark, a Point of Contention finally
emerged. We will report back on the Results and other Circumstances.
By the way, the name of the FDP, which
was previously written as "Liberal Democratic Party" in Japanese,
has been changed to "FDP Liberal". Since the name of the party
still varies depending on the language, the German version has been given
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