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JP-Swiss-journal - Vol. 210 – November 01, 2022 (Swiss Time)
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明子 ヒューリマン
【E】The Results of the Popular Vote on September 25, 2022
and Election of a new Federal Councilor (Government
Akiko Huerlimann
━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
明子 ヒューリマン
各議案の概要は弊誌 Vol. 209 を乞参照。
1) 国民発議「畜産場発議」の結果は、賛成37.13%、反対62.87%、賛成多数のカントンは半州バーゼル・シュタットのみで、それ以外のカントンは全て反対という圧倒的な結果だった。投票率は52.27%。
「国民年金の安定化 (AHV21)」は法令2件で投票が行われた。
2) 「付加価値税の引き上げによるAHVの追加融資に関する連邦令」の結果は、賛成55.07%、反対44.93%。
3) 「老齢・遺族保険に関する連邦法の改正(AHV 21))の結果は、
SRFが、 「AHVの男女格差が明確な理由」について、ベルンのGfS研究所の政治学者 Cloe Jans
4) 「源泉徴収税に関する連邦法改正」
注目に値する議論として、2022年9月21日に公開されたターゲス・アンツァイガー紙オンライン版に、ツューリッヒのスイス国民党(SVP)のトーマス・マッター国民議会議員のゲスト投稿記事「主要な議論が全く無かった訳ではない(Das Hauptargument war nie ein
【 編集後記 】
━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━
The Results of the
Popular Vote on September 25, 2022
and Election of a
new Federal Councilor (Government Member)
Akiko Huerlimann
One Month has passed since the National Voting Day,
and I have been
observing the subsequent Process of each Voting
It seems that the Debate has run its Course, thus I
have decided
to summarize the Results in this Issue of the
The Results of the Vote by the Federal Government can
be found
at the following Links.
For a Summary of each Voting Topic, please refer to
Vol. 209
of our Magazine.
Let's look at the Results and Reactions to the
individual Voting Topics.
1) The Results of the National Initiative
"Livestock Farm Initiative"
were overwhelming: 37.13% in favor (Yes), 62.87%
against (No); the only
Canton with a Yes-Majority was semi-state Basel-Stadt, and all other
Cantons were opposed (against it).
The Voter Turnout was 52.27%.
The Initative, which was
feared leading to higher Food Prices, threaten
the Survival of Agriculture, which is responsible for
the Preservation
of the National Land, and for Food Security, was
rejected by the Voters
without a Fight.
It seems that the current Law was considered to be
sufficient, and
the Issue was settled with little Discussion after
the Voting Day.
"Stabilization of the National Pension (AHV
21)" was voted on two Issues
2) "Federal Decree on Additional Financing of
the AHV through an
Increase in the Value Added Tax (VAT)" resulted
in 55.07% in favor (Yes)
and 44.93% against (No).
21 Cantons voted in favor and 5 Cantons voted
against, indicating
a clear Will in favor among the Cantons.
The Voter Turnout was 52.16%.
With Life Expectancy increasing and the Population
aging, Everyone is
aware of the Reality that the National Pension Funds
will be scarce in
Switzerland in the Future. However, the first major
Reform of the AHV
in 25 Years passed by a narrow Margin.
As a Result, VAT will be raised by 0.4 Percentage
Points to 8.1% as of
2024 as a Source of Funds injected into the AHV.
3) "Amendment to the Federal Law on Old-Age and
Survivors Insurance
(AHV 21)" resulted in, 50.55% in favor (Yes) and
49.45% against (No).
16 Cantons voted in favor and 10 Cantons voted
against, indicating
a Majority Will in the Cantons. The Voter turnout was
Although the Increase of the Retirement Age for Women
from 64 to 65
Years old, making it equal to that of Men was
approved, it was only by
a Margin of 30,000 Votes that Women supported the
Increase of
the Pension Age.
Even if the National Pension (AHV) is secured for at
least the next few
Years, Federal Government will have to present another
Reform in the
next four Years.
At noon on the 26th of September, Hundreds of Women
protested in Bern
against the Increase in the Pension Age for Women.
They claimed that it was a major Step backward in
Terms of Equality.
Tamara Funiciello, Co-Chair
of the Social Democratic Party (SP) Women's
Section, and Martine Docourt
called for a Demonstration in the Station
The Women said, "It is not undemocratic to
demonstrate against
the popular Voting Results. What is undemocratic is
that Equality,
enshrined in the Constitution for 40 Years, is still
not implemented.
What was decided Yesterday was shameful and
determined that Women should work longer. But Women carry this Society on
their Backs without Pay. This is the first Declaration of War against Rich,
Old, White Men.
Politicians seem to have forgotten about the massive
Women's Strike of
2019 and their Demands, Time to remind them. We are
here and loud
because you are stealing our Pensions," they
A Banner read, "Strike on June 14, 2023."
[ General Comment ]
SRF-Web reported a Commentary by political Scientist
Mrs. Cloe Jans
of the GfS Institute in
Berne on "Why the AHV Gender Gap is so clear."
A post-popular Voting Survey by Tamedia
showed that Women rejected
the AHV Reform by a two-thirds Majority (63%), while
two-thirds of Men
(65%) voted in favor.
This Vote showed one of the largest Gender
Disparities in History.
Traditionally, more Men than Women go to the Polls,
especially after
the Introduction of Women's Suffrage. More older
Women than younger Ones go to the Polls, and now we know that the Average
Age of Voters is 57 Years, they may still tend to belong to the more
traditionally minded
Another Reason is that Women tend to be less
committed politically than
Men. They are therefore easier to mobilize under
certain Circumstances,
and one can hypothesize that in a relatively strong
final Mobilization,
perhaps Women went even further to the Polls, thus
making the Outcome
closer than expected.
If the next Reform of the Old-Age Pension System goes
in a Direction
that calls for more female Sacrifice too, that is a
major Problem in
Terms of Legitimacy.
The regional Trends this Time show a typical
Separation between Roesti
and Polenta. Latinos tend to vote more to the left
than German Swiss
when it comes to a strong Welfare State.
[General Discussion]
At the Root of the National Pension Debate is the
inequitable Situation,
that Women's Lifetime Earnings are significantly lower
than Men's.
The Burden of Childbirth, Childcare, and Caregiving, as well as
Household Chores, inhibit Career Development. In
order for Women to
receive a fair Pension, the Need to convert such
domestic Labor into
Wages is beginning to be discussed. Also, the Fact
that many Farmers
Wives are still not earning enough to contribute to
the Pension System
has recently been brought to light.
However, the Debate has only just begun.
4) "Amendment to Federal Law on Withholding
The Vote was 47.99% in favor (Yes) and 52.01% against
(No), with 12
Cantons voting in favor and 14 Cantons voting
The Voter Turnout was 51.70%.
In a Discussion worth noting, the Online Edition of Tages Anzeiger,
published on September 21, 2022, featured a Guest
Post Article by Zurich SVP National Assembly Member Thomas Matter,
"The main Debate was not entirely absent (Das Hauptargument
war nie ein Nullargument)" was published.
Rep. Thomas Matter claims that "as soon as the
'Article against
the Abolition of the Withholding Tax on Bonds' by
Markus Haefliger
in the Online Edition of the Tages
Anzeiger dated 2022/09/19 appeared
Online, it was spread by left-wing Politicians via
Thousands of E-Mails
and was used as a Tool against it, in the Opposition
All of the Tax Reforms approved by the Public have
brought additional
Money into State Coffers." and the Elimination
of Withholding Taxes on
Bonds is not only beneficial to industrial and
financial Centers, but
also to the Public Sector, allowing Federal,
Cantonal, and Municipal
Governments to borrow Money more cheaply on the
Capital Markets.
To these Conservative Arguments, the SP, the Greens,
and Labor Unions in the left Camp say that they claim that there is no
basis for them.
Mr. Matter, a Banker and Member of the Federal
Assembly's "Economic and Taxation Committee (WAK)," who prides
himself on understanding
the Financial Markets better than his political
Opponents, even says
that "it is rather too pessimistic to say that
the Federal Tax Administration's Estimate of up to 200 Million Francs in
annual Savings
if the Withholding Tax is abolished.
The opposing leftist Camp brushed it off as a only
Assumption, since
"no empirical Studies exist."
The said Article by Markus Haefliger
concludes, "The mere 'Assumption'
of the Tax Administration has become a hard financial
Projection in
the Campaign of its Supporters."
[General Discussion]
It is clear that from the partial Elimination of
Withholding Taxes will
not only benefit the Wealthy, but also the Public
Sector, which raises
Money in the Capital Markets. Politicians in the
leftist camp, which has
a large Number of highly educated People, are usually
enthusiastic about
"Distribution," but they are not willing to
make an Effort to raise
"the Funds for Distribution".
[ General Overview ]
The Voter Turnout was relatively high at over 50%,
indicating the high
Degree of Attention paid to the Voting Issues. The
Highlight was, after
all, the AHV National Pension Law, that directly
affects People's Lives.
With the Swiss National Parliament Elections coming
up next Fall, the
political Parties are reported to be on the Warpath
now that less than
a Year is to go. It will be interesting to see how
the Pension Reform
Law, which has angered Women, will affect Support for
each political
Party and Candidate.
It will also Test the extent of Women's political
[ Federal Councilor (Bundesrat)
Ueli Maurer announced his Resignation ]
Federal Councilor Ueli
Maurer, who turned 70 this Year, announced his
Resignation at a Press Conference on September 30.
Press Conference on the Resignation of Finance
Minister Maurer:
He has served as Federal Councilor from 2009 to 2022,
making him
the oldest and longest-serving Member of the Federal
Cabinet. His sudden Resignation was therefore seen as
an appropriate
The Conservative Leader's Character and Fairness have
been well received by all Quarters.
His Successor will be selected by the SVP-Party.
The SVP will decide on the Party's Nominee by the
next Winter Session,
which is scheduled to take place on December 7. So
far, five Candidates
have announced their Candidacy.
[Editor's Postscript ]
Although I thought the Role of Swiss Women in Society
was fairly advanced, the Fact that there are still some Gaps in Reality
became clear with the Revision of the AHV, as Women expressed their
Willingness to play a Role. Inadequacies will not be remedied in the Future
without continuous and meticulous Efforts. The Awakening of Women is a Key.
I will Report on the Evaluation of Federal Councilor Ueli Maurer and the Selection of his Successor in the
next Issue of our Magazine.
See you soon.
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