

  Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine


  jp-Swiss-journal - Vol. 222 – June 03, 2024 (Swiss Time)








J 20240609日国民投票







                       明子 ヒューリマン


E The Popular Vote on June 9, 2024

    1Premium Relief Initiative

    2Cost-Brake Initiative

    3Initiative “For freedom and physical integrity”

    4Federal Act on a Secure Electricity Supply

          from Renewable Energy Sources


                       Akiko Huerlimann



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~【 日本語 】~~~~~~~~~~~~~





                            明子 ヒューリマン


































発議委員会の論拠は、「保険料軽減イニシアチブ」の保険料には上限があり、可処分所得の10%を超えることはできない。 これは低賃金の人々だけでなく、家族、定年退職をした夫婦、平均的な収入の人々も保護する。



































政党で議案に賛成は発議したMitte EVP & EDUのみで、その他の主要政党FDP、緑の党、GLPSPSVP全てが反対している。






















(ワクチン摂取強制停止イニシアチブ/ Stopp-Impfpflicht-Initiative





































































3.自然を破壊しないより良い選択肢がある。連邦政府エネルギー庁(Bundesamt fuer Energie BFE)の数字に依ると、屋根と外壁だけでも86TWhの潜在能力があり、そのうち約30%、つまり26TWhが冬季に発電される。これは、電気事業法の拡大目標(水力発電を除く再生可能エネルギーによる発電45TWh、冬季発電6TWh)を遥かに上回る。



























スイス連邦議会の政党名 / Political parties represented in Parliament



【 編集後記 】






~~~~~~~~~~~~~【 English 】~~~~~~~~~~~~~



                           The Popular Vote on June 9, 2024


                                               Akiko Huerlimann



On January 31, 2024, the Federal Council (Swiss Government) decided to put three Initiatives and one Federal Act to a Referendum on June 9, 2024.


See the Booklet distributed by the Swiss Government for an Overview of the three Initiatives and one Federal Law, the Positions of the Swiss Government (Bundesrat), Parliament and the Political Parties, and the Trends in the Issues in turn.


1Popular Initiative: "Health Insurance Premiums capped at 10% of Income (Premium Reduction Initiative)" [Premium Relief Initiative] by Social Democratic Party (SP)




In Switzerland, Everyone has Access to necessary Medical Care, the Costs of which are covered by Compulsory Health Insurance. In recent Decades, Health Care Costs have risen sharply and Insurance

Premiums have risen. Premiums have become an Increasing Burden for some Citizens, with about a Quarter of the Population receiving a Reduction in Premiums (Praemien-Verbilligung) paid by Federal Government and Cantons.

The Federal Government automatically increases its Contribution when Premiums rise, but the Cantons only pay Part of the Cost.


The Initiative calls for Insured Persons to contribute a Maximum of 10% of their disposable Income as Premiums.

The Federal Government and the Cantons will increase the Reduction in Premiums, with the Federal Government bearing at least two-thirds of the Cost. This would result in Additional Costs of several Billion Swiss Francs (CHF) per Year.


The Swiss Federal Council and Parliament rejected this Initiative. However, they drew up the following Indirect Counter-Proposal. Currently, the Swiss Federal Government automatically reduces Premiums further if the Cost of Compulsory Health Insurance rises. The Cantons should take similar Measures.

The indirect Counter-Proposal requires a Minimum Contribution to Premium Reduction.

For the Cantons Additional Costs of at least 360 Million Swiss Francs would incur, while the Swiss Federal Government would incur no Additional Costs.

If the Initiative is rejected by Popular Vote and no further Referendum is held on the Counter-Proposal, the Counter-Proposal will enter into force.


The Swiss Federal Council (Government) and Parliament recommend "NO".

"The Initiative is too costly, with Additional annual Costs amounting to Billions of Swiss Francs, but lacks the Incentive to curb Health Care Costs. They have therefore drawn up an indirect Counter-Proposal that would make Premiums more affordable and also provide Incentives to reduce Costs". This is the Argument against the Initiative.


Parliamentary Verdict:

In the National Coucil (Nationalrat). 123 Votes Against, 70 in Favour and 3 Abstentions.

In the Council of States (Staenderat), 32 Votes Against, 11 in favour and 1 Abstention.


Initiative Committee's Argument is that the Health Insurance Premiums for the "Premium Reduction Initiative" are capped and cannot exceed 10% of the disposable Income. This protects not only People on low Wages, but also Families, retired Couples and People on average Incomes.


Political Parties in favour of the Initiative were the Left of the Social Democrats (SP), who initiated the Initiative and the Greens, while against the Initiative were the Centrist to Conservative the FDP, GLP, Mitte, SVP and others.


[Point of Dispute]


The Initiative, commonly known as the "SP-Praemien-Initiative" because it was initiated by the Social Democrats (SP), was also known as the "10% Premium Reduction Initiative" and aimed to reduce the Burden on lower middle Income Groups.


The Tages-Anzeiger Newspaper of May 18, 2024 developed a Model by Premium Expert Mr. Andre Mueller, in Collaboration with the "SonntagsZeitung" Newspaper, to simulate the Funding from VAT and Federal Direct Taxes.


Under selected Assumptions, it shows for the first Time in concrete Terms who will ultimately be the net Recipients and who will be the net Payers.

"Which Households will end up paying Billions, will largely depend on which Funds are used to finance this massive Redistribution Project.

Since Households in Cantons with high Premiums, such as Basel-Stadt (BS) and Geneva (GE), tend to benefit, it is likely that the Burden will ultimately fall on single People, the Wealthy and those living in the Central and Eastern Parts of Switzerland." The Report concludes like that.


The financial Situation and the System differs from Canton to Canton, so it seems to be an Agenda that will eventually lead to regional Disparities.


2Popular Initiative: "For lower Premiums - a Cost Brake in the Health-Care System (Cost-Brake Initiative)" [Kostenbremse-Initiative] by Political Party Die Mitte.




Since the Introduction of the compulsory Health Insurance in 1996, Health Care Costs and Premiums have risen sharply due to Factors such as an Aging Population, the Introduction of new Treatments and Medicines and the increasing Frequency of their Use. This is partly due to misguided Incentives and inefficient Structures.


The Initiative calls for the Introduction of Cost Brakes.

In the Future, the Cost Increases of the compulsory Medical Insurance will be capped, depending on Wage Trends and Economic Growth. Swiss Federal Government, together with the Cantons, Health Insurers and Service Providers, must take Measures to ensure that Cost Increases are kept within acceptable Limits. The Initiative does not specify how Wages and Economic Development will be measured and what Measures will be taken. Parliament must enshrine this in Law.


Swiss Federal Council (Government) and Parliament reject the Initiative and say "NO".

"Measures to control Health Care Costs are too severe. Reasons for increasing Health Care Costs, such as an Aging Population and Advances in Medicine, are not taken into account. Indirect Counter-Proposal of Swiss Federal Council and the Parliament take these Reasons into account." This is the Arguments against the Initiative.


Parliamentary Verdict:

In the National Council (Nationalrat), 110 Votes Against, 31 in Favour and 55 Abstentions.

In the Council of States (Staenderat), 20 Votes Against, 14 in Favour and 10 Abstentions.


Initiative Committee's Argument is that the only Way to sustainably control the Growth of Insurance Premiums is to put a Stop to the Costs of the Health System. The Reason why the Health Insurance Premiums have been raised for Years is the unlimited Increase in Health Care Costs, they say.


The only Political Parties in favour of the Initiative are Die Mitte, which made the Initiative, EVP & EDU, while the other main Parties FDP, Greens, GLP, SP and SVP are all opposed.


[Point of Dispute]


The Agenda throws specific Measures at Parliament, saying that "Measures to control Health Care Costs will be introduced, and in the Future, Wage Trends and Economic Growth will determine Ceiling for Increases in the Cost of compulsory Health Insurance."


The Health Insurance Debt of Swiss Citizens has reached a Record High, the Tages-Anzeiger Newspaper reported on May 27, 2024.


In 2023 alone, this amounted to CHF 44 Million. The Share of total Debt in Health Insurance Premiums has risen from 8% to 15% over the past eight Years. According to Data from Debt Consultants, Number of People with unpaid Health Insurance Premiums is relatively high almost two thirds of those consulted in 2023. This is the second highest Figure of any Type of Debt, after Taxes. In 2023, the average Debt for Health Insurance exceeded CHF 13,000. Between 5,000 and 6,000 People are consulted each Year.


The Reason why Debts to Health Insurance Companies are so widespread is simply related to the Fact that the Amounts are so large. Smaller Claims can still be paid, but Health Insurance is often out of Control at the earliest Opportunity.

Unlike Rent, People will eventually lose its Roof if the Rent is not paid, there is little direct Impact of Non-Payment regarding to Health Insurance Premiums. Generally, the higher the Premium Burden in a Canton, the higher the Health Insurance Liability.


Four Cantons - Lucerne, Thurgau, Aargau and Ticino still have Blacklists. People who are unable to pay their Health Insurance Premiums are placed on these Lists and, as a result, only Emergency Treatment is covered by the Health Insurance. This means that Blacklists have no Impact on Payment Behaviour.


It could be said that the Premium Burden is like a Cancer on Household Finances, but this Initiative also has a cantonal Gap in the Premium Burden, so this kind of vague Content of the Initiative could undermine Direct Democracy.


3"Popular Initiative: For Freedom and Physical Integrity"

(Stop Compulsory Vaccination Initiative)




In Spring 2020, the Pandemic of Corona Virus (COVID-19) hit Switzerland. The Majority of the Population had high Hopes in new Vaccines and the Vaccination as a Way out of the Pandemic. On the other hand, there were Those who opposed Vaccination. In this political and social Environment, the Initiative was launched in Autumn 2020.


The Initiative requires that Interventions on Physical or Mental Integrity must be agreed by the Person concerned. Physical and Mental Integrity is already enshrined in the Swiss Constitution. This Fundamental Right protects the Body from Interference by the State. Those who refuse to give their Consent should not be punished or disadvantaged, requests the Initiative.


The Initiative Document does not mention "Immunization", but refers to "Interference with Physical and Mental Integrity" in general. In principle, the Initiative covers all Activities by the Federal State, Cantons and local Authorities that affect the Body, including Police Activities and the Penal System. The specific Consequences of the Initiative, if approved, will depend on the Method of Implementation and Jurisdiction.


Swiss Federal Council (Government) and Parliament reject the Initiative and say "NO".

"Opposing this Initiative because the Physical Integrity, a core Concern, is already enshrined in the Swiss Constitution as a Fundamental Right. Currently, no-one is allowed to be vaccinated without its Consent. Furthermore, it is unclear how the Initiative would affect the Work of the Police and Justice System." These are the Arguments against the Initiative.


Parliamentary Verdict:

In the National Council (Nationalrat). 145 Votes Against, 49 in Favour and 1 Abstention.

In the Council of States (Staenderat). 37 Votes Against, 0 in Favour and 7 Abstentions.


Arguments of the initiating committee led by the "Free Movement Switzerland (FBS)" is that continuing to be free to decide what to do with your own Body is the last Bastion of Freedom. One (Human) is only free when one can decide what to put in one's Body. On Politics cannot be relied in this Matter. The Initiative was initiated by.


The Political Parties in Favour of the Initiative are the SVP and EDU. Against the Initiative are the main Political Parties other than the SVP: the FDP, the Greens, the GLP, Die Mitte and SP.


[Point of Dispute]


The Freedom to vaccinate or not to vaccinate was disputed during the Pandemic. As Physical Integrity is said to be already enshrined in the Swiss Constitution as a Fundamental Right, the Vaccination was not compulsory even during the Pandemic. However, Problems did arise in some Professions, such as the Education and the Medical Profession.


With Globalization, Climate Change and Pandemics, the Debate has even become a Philosophical One, as Freedom is no longer a Private Matter and is always linked to Responsibility. Although People equally want Freedom, what this Freedom is and what it means is a Subject of intense Debate, and the Limits of individual Freedom? is being questioned. The Intention of the Initiative Committee is understandable, but it is questionable whether such an unspecific Initiative can be made into Law.


4Federal Act on a Secure Electricity Supply from

Renewable Energy Sources [known also as Strom-Gesetz]




It is becoming increasingly difficult to supply Switzerland with sufficient Energy at all times. If sufficient Electricity cannot be imported due to the Restructuring of the Electricity Supply in Europe or due to International Conflicts, the Electricity Supply may be disrupted during the Winter Months here.

Switzerland needs more Electricity not only for its Economy, but also for Electric Vehicles (EV) and Heat Pumps.

The Federal Parliament has therefore passed the Federal Act on a Secure Electricity Supply from Renewable Energy Sources to ensure a stable Electricity Supply in Switzerland.

An Initiative Committee challenging the Law managed to hold a Referendum (Populare Vote).


The Legislation lays the Foundations for a rapid Production of more Electricity in Switzerland from Renewable Energy Sources such as Water, Sun, Wind or Biomass, thus strengthening the Independence of the Electricity Supply. Furthermore, Hydro Power Reserve will be mandatory, with the Aim of reducing the Risk of Shortages. The Bill includes Funding Instruments and new Regulations on Production, Transport, Storage and Consumption of Electricity. Expansion of Solar Power Production shall mainly take place on Buildings. In suitable Areas, Planning Conditions will be relaxed for Wind Power and large-scale Solar Energy Plants (PV), which is particularly important for Winter Electricity Supply. Planning Conditions will also be relaxed for the 16 Hydro Power Plants referred to in the Federal Act. The Law increases the Likelihood that Plans will be implemented also in the event of Opposition. Democratic Voting (Popular Votes) for or against new Energy Projects remains possible.


Swiss Federal Council (Government) and Parliament recommend "YES"."The Federal Council and Parliament consider Legislation for a secureElectricity Supply to be urgently needed. It will make an importantContribution to our Country's reliable Electricity Supply, protect Nature and the Landscape, and be a concrete Step towards reducing the Use of Fossil Fuels." These are the Arguments in favour of the Federal Act.


Parliamentary Verdict:

The National Council (Nationalrat), voted 177 in Favour, 19 Against and 0 Abstention.

The Council of States (Staenderat), voted 44 in Favour, 0 Against and 0 Abstention.


The Referendum Committee's Argument is that the Law facilitates the Clearing of Forests and permits the Degradation of Landscapes and the Destruction of protected Biotopes. Law restricts the Sovereignty of the People and the Cantons, if not the Municipalities. There are Alternatives that guarantee Security of Electricity Supply.


Among the major Political Parties, the FDP, the Greens, GLP, Die Mitte and SP support the Bill, while the SVP opposes it.


[Point of Dispute]


Federal Government has amended the Law to raise the domestic Energy Supply in Switzerland, as the Country is dependent on foreign Countries for over 70% of its Energy Supply in 2023.


Swiss Federal Government Energy Website:


The Intention to increase the domestic Energy Supply with renewable Energy is understandable. However, the following "Main Arguments of the Referendum’s Committee against the Bill", suggest that there is Room for methodological Considerations.


1. Swiss Alpine Valleys are covered with Solar Panels or Forests are cut down to install Wind Turbines. Cantons are allowed to designate "suitable" Areas and plan Wind- and Solar Farms there without the Involvement of affected People or Environmental Groups. The Parliament cannot prove that such Destruction of Nature is necessary for a safe Electricity Supply.


2. The Electricity Act is anti-democratic and explicitly allows the Federal Government to grant Permits in a fast-track Procedure, thereby Disempowering Municipalities and Limiting their legal Remedies. Swiss Energy Minister Albert Roesti has repeatedly stressed that the Bill does not reduce the Options for democratic Co-Determination, which is false.


3. There are better Options that do not destroy Nature. According to Figures from the Federal Energy Agency (Bundesamt fuer Energie BFE), there is a Potential of 86 TWh from Roofs and external Walls alone, of which approximately 30%, or 26 TWh, is generated in the Winter. This far exceeds Expansion Target of Electricity Act (45 TWh of Electricity generated from renewable Energy Sources excluding Hydro Power and 6 TWh of Electricity generated in Winter).


The Arguments of the Opposition are convincing, as they say.

Materials used in the Solar Panels can be a Source of Environmental Pollution, so I think it is important that they are not installed in the open, uninhabited Nature. However, I have not seen or heard any specific Reports or Opinions on the Environmental Pollution caused by Solar Panels. The same goes for Wind Turbines, and Biologists have pointed out the Risk of damaging Biodiversity.


It may be necessary to reconsider the Installation Locations. First of all, as much as possible, Priority should be given to installing small and medium-sized Power Generation Equipment on the Premises of Factories and large Business Establishments, or on private Homes. At the time, the Migros Magazine introduced the Feasibility of Agricultural Photovoltaics, which is being investigated by Researchers at the "Zurich University of Applied Sciences" (ZHAW).


Furthermore, the Situation is likely to change dramatically if "Perovskite Solar Cells PSC", invented by Japanese Researchers, becomes more widely installed in Glass Windows and external Walls, as they are lightweight and flexible Solar Cells. Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) has incorporated the Promotion of Perovskite-type Solar Cells into its Green Innovation Fund Project, positioning it as the Mainstay of next-generation Solar Cells. Wikipedia introduces that Poland, the UK and China (PRC) are also working on Mass Production. Swiss Initiatives have not yet been seen or heard of.


Demand for Electric Vehicles (EV) is becoming less convincing, with a downward Trend being the Reality.


[General Remarks]


It has been reported that the total Amount of "Funds spent on the Referendum" has reached 10.15 Million Swiss Francs (CHF). This is the latest Figure announced by the Swiss Federal Audit Office (SFAO) on Friday, one Month before the Referendum's Vote Day. The Majority of the Money was used to revise the Energy Law, and the Source of the Funds was the Economic Organization "Economiesuisse".


The first and second Swiss News Platform SRG-Opinion Polls have been published.


The Situation is delicate regarding the "10% Cap on Health Insurance Premiums" by SP-Party.

The "Brake on Health Insurance Premiums" by Die Mitte-Party is likely to be rejected.

The "Stop Vaccination Initiative" has no Hope of being approved.

The "Electricity Law" by Government and Parliament is likely to be approved.


The Reality that the Amount of Money invested in a Referendum's Campaign has a strong Influence on the Outcome has been highlighted. I think that the Initiatives and the Federal Act will have Difficulties to be approved.




スイス連邦議会の政党名 / Political parties represented in Parliament



Editor's Postscript


I often wonder whether a Vote by ordinary Citizens on an Initiative that is so complicated and lacking in Specifics can really be effective. As the Votes go on, the Aims become more complicated and intertwined, and the Circumstances change over Time, so the original Aims seem to be gradually altered. I am concerned that the World's Leading Direct Democracy is being eroded. (A.H)





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