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Internet Mail Magazine
jp-Swiss-journal - Vol. 224 - September 16, 2024 (Swiss
明子 ヒューリマン
【E】 Switzerland's shaky Referendum System
and the Popular Vote on September 22, 2024
Akiko Huerlimann
日本語 】~~~~~~~~~~~~~
明子 ヒューリマン
Autoren erzaehlen, wie sie den Unterschriften-Bschiss enthuellten" (タメディア調査が署名の偽造を発見)
因みに、「Service-Citoyen-Initiative」 の委員会は、一般市民と環境のために、強制的な社会奉仕活動を求めている。国際法では、国家が国民に強制社会奉仕活動を呼びかけることを禁じている。
パンデミック以前は、この種の業者は数える程で、価格も安く1署名当り1.50フランから 2.50 フランの間だったが、今日では7.50フランになることもある。1件の報酬が総額数万スイスフランになる儲かるビジネスと言われている。対価を支払って署名や票を買う行為は、現行法では違法では無い!
ローザンヌでは、投票権証明書の数が過去 6 年間で爆発的に増加し、年間30,000 筆強から 90,000 筆以上に増加した。この大幅な増加は主に、幾つかの収集企業がヴォー州に拠点を置いているという事実による。
「Service Citoyen Initiative」の問題は特別なケースではなく、政治的大問題であるにも関わらず、これまで隠蔽されてきた。
選挙の不正は重大な犯罪で、違反した場合、罰金又は 3 年以下の懲役が科される可能性がある。
【 2024年9月22日の国民投票 】
1. 国民発議「生物多様性イニシアティブ」
投票の質問 は、「国民発議『我々の自然と景観の未来の為に(生物多様性イニシアティブ)』を受け入れるか?」
賛成がSP、緑の党、GLP、EVPの各政党、Pro Natura、Birdlife、Schweizer Heimatschutz、WWF、VCS。
反対は、連邦政府・議会、SVP、中道党、FDP、EDUの各政党、Schweizerischer Bauernverband、Schweizerischer Gewerbeverband、Baumeisterverband、Schweizer Tourismus-Verband。
概要 :
投票に関する質問 :
賛成が政府・議会、SVP、中央党、FDP、GLP、EVP、EDU、Schweizerischer Gewerbeverband、Alliance F、Schweizerischer Arbeitgeberverband。
反対はSP、緑の党、Schweizerischer Gewerkschaftsbund、Travail Suisse、Gastro Suisse。
AHV(老齢年金)の年金財政予測によると、2033年の支出は40億スイスフラン(CHF)減少する見込みで、これは約6%の偏差に相当する。2033年の赤字は、従来予想されていた70億スイスフランではなく、40億スイスフラン程度になる。しかし、AHV は依然として資金調達の問題を抱えていて、特に 2026 年から第13 ヶ月目の AHV導入後は顕著になる。
政治家が何もしなければ、AHV は矢張り赤字になると懸念されている。
【 編集後記
~~~~~~~~~~~~【 English 】~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Switzerland's shaky Referendum System
and the Popular Vote on
September 22, 2024
Akiko Huerlimann
From September 2, 2024, the Tages-Anzeiger reported a scoop Report on the Discovery
of a "Signature Scam" regarding to People's Initiatives
and Referendums in Switzerland.
A Summary of this Information is as
A lucrative Business has emerged in which
Companies undertake to collect Signatures for Initiative Committees in
Exchange for Money. It has been revealed that Signatures have not only been
bought, but may also have been forged.
Autoren erzaehlen, wie sie den Unterschriften-Bschiss enthuellten". (Tamedia-Research
uncovers Signature Forgery)
Tamedia Group Newspapers reported that many invalid
Signatures were collected during the Collection of Signatures for the
"Service Citoyen Initiative".
Based on Tamedia-Research,
Initiative Committee had commissioned the Organization "Incop" to collect 10'000 Signatures "with Validation"
for CHF 4.50 each. After the Signatures were deposited by "Incop", Committee found out that many of them
turned out to be invalid. People of "Service Citoyen
Initiative"-Committee became suspicious and investigated. According to
Municipalities, 35% to more than 90% were invalid.
On June 14, 2023, the Committee filed a
Criminal Complaint with the
Federal Prosecutor's Office against
"Incoop", its Head Franck Tessemo.
More and more Signatures for Popular Initiatives
are being collected by paid Individuals.
On a Side Note, the "Service-Citoyen-Initiative" Committee is calling
for compulsory Community Service for the
Benefit of the General Public and the Environment. International Law
prohibits States from requiring their Citizens to perform compulsory
Community Service.
Most of the Fraud is particularly evident
in the Canton of Vaud, where several signature-gathering Organisations are based. At the Beginning of 2019,
several Municipalities had reported "first Cases of possible
Fraud". At the time, Head of State Authorities said "he
immediately sent Instructions to the Municipalities and also informed the
Federal Council (Bundesrat/Government)."
The Federal Prosecutor's Office admitted
for the first time that it was "carrying out several Procedures on
Suspicion of electoral Fraud against commercial Signature Collectors".
The Federal Prosecutor's Office and the Federal Criminal Police have
carried out "various Enforcement Measures in recent Months, in
particular House Searches and Interviews", but have not disclosed any
Details because the Investigations are complex and there are also ongoing
Before the (Corona)-Pandemic, there were
only a few of this Type of Business, and Prices were low, ranging from CHF
1.50 to CHF 2.50 per Signature, but today the Price can be as high as CHF
7.50 per Signature. It is said to be a lucrative Business with a total
Reward of several tens of Thousands of Swiss Francs per case.
The Act of Buying Signatures for People's
Initiatives and Referendums based on a Fee is not illegal under current
"The Problem started in 2022, got
worse in 2023 and is now a Disaster", says a well-informed Source.
"It's very difficult for local Authorities to detect Fraud
Cases", says a Chief Official from the Canton of Vaud (VD). The
Signature of a Person entitled to Vote is not recorded in the local
Government Register and "if the First Name, Surname, Address and Date
of Birth are correct, it is recognised as valid,
even if it is forged".
In Lausanne, Number of Certificates of
Eligibility to Vote has exploded over the past six Years, rising from just
over 30,000 per Year to more than 90,000. This significant Increase is
mainly due to the Fact that several Collection Companies are based in the
Canton of Vaud (VD). Actually the Federal Government notes that it has
"received an increasing Number of suspicious Activity Reports from
German speaking Switzerland". Anyway, no one knows the total Number of
forged Signatures across Switzerland. In the Canton of Vaud alone, several
thousand forged Signatures have been found" since 2019.
The Issue of the "Service Citoyen Initiative" is not a special Case, but a
major Political Issue that has been covered up.
It is easy for large Organisations,
such as Trade Unions, to collect Signatures, but otherwise difficult
Circumstances are behind the Situation. The only People who did not know
about the commercial Signature Collection were the Voters!
Election Fraud is a serious Offence and
can result in a Fine or Imprisonment for up to three Years if violated.
The Federal Council (Government) and
Parliament repeatedly rejected a Ban on the Purchase of Signatures and did
not attempt to regulate the paid Collection of Signatures for Initiatives
and Referendums, which caused Problems time and again.
The Federal Government's Position is that
it is the Responsibility of the Committe to
ensure that Signatures for Initiatives and Referendums are collected in a
fair Manner.
This has exposed a Phenomenon that
undermines Switzerland's National Policy of the "Direct
Democracy". Many Bills that were not supposed to be put to a
Referendum have become Law or are in the Process of becoming Law.
Tages-Anzeiger reported on September 14, 2024,
"The Federal Government has decided to forego immediate Action on
forged Signatures, not reviewing Initiatives already realized, refusing to
ban the Purchase of Signatures, and favoring Self-Regulation", it
The Referendum is a System that needs to
be maintained, but it has become clear that there are major Obstacles to
its Operation. It is now possible that Referendums may no longer be held as
frequently as in the Past. There have been reported Cases of Foreigners
crossing the Border on Signature-Gathering Jobs, forcing People on the
Street to sign a Petition or giving false Explanations. It is conceivable
that more
Citizens will refuse to sign a Petition
on the Street. Above all, Voters' Distrust is likely to cast a Shadow over
their Willingness to vote in the Future.
The bad Practice of paying to collect
Signatures must be eliminated.
The Flaws in Switzerland's Direct
Democracy have been brought to light, and it is imperative that some Sort
of Solution is put in place.
[ The Popular Vote on September 22, 2024
Let's examine the Initiative and the
Amendment (Reform) based on the Government's Explanation.
1. Popular Initiative : "Biodiversity
The Swiss Government and the Cantons
protect Biotopes (Habitats), endangered Species, precious Landscapes and
Sites. They also maintain protected Areas and promote Biodiversity,
including in Agriculture. They invest around 600 Million Swiss Francs per
Year in Biodiversity Conservation and have an Action plan to promote
The Initiative Committee believes that
these Measures are not enough and calls for further Protection of the
natural World, Landscape and architectural Heritage. It also calls for more
Funds for Biodiversity and an Expansion of protected Areas. It calls for
the Cantons in particular to take greater Responsibility for the Protection
of Landscapes and archaeological Sites. It also calls for the Protection of
Nature, Landscape and architectural Heritage outside protected Areas.
The Voting Question is: Do you want to
accept the People's Initiative "For the Future of Our Nature and
Landscapes (Biodiversity Initiative)?"
Federal Council (Bundesrat/Government)
and Federal Parliament recommend
They consider the Initiative to be an
excessive Step. Valuable Biotopes, Landscapes and Land are already
protected and Biodiversity is promoted. If the Initiative is accepted,
important Issues such as Energy Supply, Agriculture and Urban Development
will be restricted too severely.
Initiative Committee recommends
Their Aim is to oblige the Federal
Government and the Cantons to make more Efforts to protect Natural
Parliamentary Verdict:
National Council (Nationalrat):
124 Votes against (No), 72 in favor (Yes) and 2 Abstentions.
Council of States (Staenderat): 33 Votes against (No), 12 in favor (Yes)
and 0 abstentions.
Tages-Anzeiger Newspaper reports:
In favor (Yes) are Political Parties SP,
Greens, GLP, EVP. Pro Natura, Birdlife, Swiss
Heritage Society (Heimatschutz), WWF (World
Wildlife Fund), VCS.
Opposed (No) are Government and
Parliament, Political Parties SVP, the Centre Party, FDP, EDU. Swiss
Farmers' Union, Swiss Trade Association (Gewerbe),
Association of Master Builders and Swiss Tourism Federation.
[Point of Dispute]
Switzerland is a Party to many
International Agreements aimed at promoting and protecting transboundary Biodiversity.
The Swiss Farmers' Union stated that it
is "against the extreme Biodiversity Initiative."
Self-Sufficiency is currently already below 50%. They fear that the
Initiative will significantly increase the Amount of Land under Protection,
which will affect Food Production.
The Initiative also wants to strengthen
the Protection of Landscapes and Monuments. This will have an Impact on
Construction Activity and Tourism. The Expansion of renewable Energies will
also be delayed.
The Electric Power Industry is also
opposed to the Plan, which threatens the Security of the Power Supply.
The Initiative covers a relatively wide
Range of Topics, as it aims to strengthen Biodiversity, including the Protection
of Landscapes and Monuments. This is why there are Concerns about negative
Effects in various Fields.
Farmers say that Biodiversity in
Switzerland is not as damaged as People say. This is a Point of Contention
with Academics.
In any case, if we go along with the
Armchair Theories of the Left Camp, the People may face Food Shortages.
2. "Reform of the Occupational
Pension System" (Amendment on Federal Law)
A Referendum's Committee, challenging the
Amendment to the Federal Act on the Occupational, Survivors’ and Disability
Pension Plans (BVG), has managed to get the Matter to a national Vote.
For many People, the Occupational Pension
(second Pillar) is an important Complement to the Old-Age and Survivors'
Insurance Pension [AHV] (first Pillar), part of the three Pillars of the Swiss
Pension System. During their Working Years, they accumulate Retirement
Assets in a Pension Fund with their Salary and Employer Contributions.
These are then used to pay their Pension.
Up to a certain Income, the Law requires
a Minimum Amount of Pension Money to be paid out for each Swiss Franc
saved. However, because of low Returns on the Financial Markets and rising
Life Expectancy, Pensions in this Mandatory Part of the Occupational
Pension System are no longer adequately financed. This particularly affects
Pension Funds that only offer the Statutory Minimum or a bit more.
There is also a second Problem; those who
do not earn very much to begin with receive little or no Occupational
Pension. This affects a disproportionate Number of Women, because they
often work Part-Time or in low-wage Sectors.
The Reform provides for Measures to
finance future Pensions more securely. In addition, many low Earners will
receive a higher Pension when they retire; both they and their Employers
will pay higher Monthly Contributions than they do today.
Most Employees have a Pension Fund that
offers significantly more than the Statutory Minimum Benefits. As a result,
the Reform will have little Impact on them.
The Pensions paid to People who have
already retired will not be affected by the Reform.
The Voting Question is: "Do you want
to accept the Federal Law (BVG) on Occupational Pension Reform
(Occupational, Survivors' and Disability Pension Plan), as amended on March
17, 2023?"
Swiss Federal Council (Bundesrat/Government) and Federal Parliament recommend
The Federal Council and Parliament
consider this Reform necessary to ensure that future Pensions under the
compulsory Occupational Pension System are once again adequately funded in
the long Term. People with low Incomes will be better protected in Old Age.
Women in particular will benefit.
Referendum's Committee recommends
against: "NO":
The Referendum's Committee says Pensions
from Pension Funds have been falling for Years and are too low for many
Professionals. The Reform threatens to lead to further Cuts in Pensions,
with Insureds paying more but receiving less. In
contrast, Financial Industry is skimming off Billions at the expense of Insureds.
Parliamentary Verdict:
National Council (Nationalrat):
113 in favor (Yes), 69 against (No) and 15 Abstentions.
Council of States (Staenderat):
29 in favor (Yes), 8 against (No) and 5 Abstentions.
Tages-Anzeiger Newspaper reports:
In favor (Yes) are Government and
Parliament, Political Parties SVP, Center Party, FDP, GLP, EVP, EDU, Swiss
Trade Association (Gewerbe), Alliance F, Swiss
Employers' Association (Arbeitgeber).
Opposed (No) are Political Parties SP,
Greens, Swiss Federation of Trade Unions (Gewerkschaft),
Travail Suisse and Gastro Suisse.
Regarding Pensions (AHV), the August 6,
2024 Edition of Tages-Anzeiger reported that
"Federal Government has miscalculated the AHV by Billions".
Pension Financing Projections for the AHV
(Old-Age Pension) show that the Expenditure in 2033 is likely to be 4
Billion Swiss Francs (CHF) lower, which corresponds to a Deviation of about
6%. Deficit for 2033 is now around CHF 4 Billion instead of the previously
expected CHF 7 Billion.
However, the AHV still faces Funding
Problems, which will be especially pronounced after the Introduction of the
13th Month-AHV-Pension starting in 2026.
It is feared that if Politicians do
nothing, the AHV-Pension will be in
the red.
Factors that make it difficult to predict
the Future of Pensions, such as slight Errors in Formulas, unexpected
Events, and the Federal System, have been pointed out. Taking these
Circumstances into account, it seems that Pensions will need to be reformed
with some Fine-Tuning.
★ スイス連邦議会の政党名 /
Political Parties represented in Parliament:
[Editor's Postscript]
The Situation was brought to light out of
the blue just before the Referendum (Voting Date). One can only assume that
the Media, Politicians, Companies, and Organizations were aware of these
Circumstances, but no one wanted to put a "bell the Cat"
regarding to the Commercial Collection of Signatures for Initiatives and
Referendums. Tamedia Group Newspapers recently
announced a massive Layoff in its News Department despite the Fact that it
is performing well. The Reason is that the News Division is losing Money.
Does this mean that they dared to report a point-scoring Story in order to
avoid public Frowns? In any case, we hope that the Quality and Number of
"National Referendums" will be improved.
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