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★ jp-Swiss-journal ━ Vol. 59 – August 22, 2004 (Swiss
☆ http://www.swissjapanwatcher.ch/
明子 ヒューリマン
National Foundation Day and National
Reconstruction Day
Akiko Hürlimann
Gruendungstag und
Deutsche folgt -
Akiko Hürlimann
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
明子 ヒューリマン
スイスの建国記念日は連邦政府をはじめ地方自治体もそれぞれ記念行事を主催して住民と共に賑々しく祝う。この日は政治家が格調高い建国の志と未来に向かっての団結を国民に語る機会になっている。学校が夏休みに入っていることもあって、大人も子供も夜通し楽しむ夏の最大のイベントにもなっていて、スイス中が赤字に白十字の国旗で埋め尽くされる。小旗、提灯、Tシャツは勿論の事、パンにまで!およそありとあらゆる物に国旗モチーフが登場する。誇らしげに国旗を愛して止まないスイス人魂ここに在りと言えよう。この日の式典や花火大会は国家斉唱から始まる。但しブラスバンドが厳かに演奏する中、唱和する人々の声はかき消される程度。実は歌詞を良く知らない人が多いと聞く。つまりかつてはメロディーが英国と同じ“God save the queen“で現在のメロディーに代わってさほど年月が経っていないという事情があるようだ。“God shave the queen(神が女王の髭を剃る)“と英国を揶揄した冗談もある位で、何故か国旗の愛され方とは差があるようだ。独立心旺盛で愛国心一辺倒にはならないスイス人の複雑な懐の深さを物語っているのかもしれない。ともあれこの日は建国の伝説的な英雄ウィリアム・テルを象徴に、スイス国民が世界にも稀な国家スイスを守ろうとの気持ちが一つになるようだ。
* スイス国歌/Swiss National Anthem:
* 外務省の世界の国旗/World
flags: http://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/world/kokki/ (J/E)
* 君が代の由来/Origin
of Kimigayo: http://www.tanken.com/kimigayo.html、
* 広島平和記念資料館公式サイト/ The Official Homepage of
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum: http://www.pcf.city.hiroshima.jp/index2.html
* 長崎原爆資料館/Nagasaki
Atomic Bomb Museum Official Site:
http://www1.city.nagasaki.nagasaki.jp/na-bomb/museum/ (J/E)
*《原爆の図》を描いた反戦画家丸木位里・丸木俊夫妻 http://www.aya.or.jp/~marukimsn/
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
Foundation Day and National Reconstruction Day
Every year, when the summer comes, the whole
nation in Switzerland and in Japan celebrates a big event. However, People’s mind and atmosphere
is quite different between the two nations. In Switzerland, on the first of August, the whole nation celebrates its
National Day. It is as if they reunite their minds even though it is a
multinational and multilingual country in one way. On the other hand in
Japan, people seems to have almost no will to celebrate their National Day
on the eleventh of February, only political ceremonies are celebrated in obscurity
somewhere. Instead of that day, the fifteenth of August overlaps the
anniversary of Japan’s World War II surrender and the Buddhist festival period
called <Obon> (inviting departed souls at home), then many events of
the requiem of the victims or departed souls are organized throughout the
whole country. For about a week during that Obon holiday period, there is
big mass migration of people going back to their hometowns in order to
visit the cemeteries of their ancestors. I realized as never before that
this event can be a cornerstone for the heart of a nation, but it has such
a difference of mood even though fireworks are followed in the same summer
The Federal Government and local
government authorities organize commemoration ceremonies on the Swiss
National Day and celebrate boisterously together with citizens. The day is
an occasion for politicians to talk to the people about their visions of
nation building and the solidarity for the future using magnificent words.
As the event falls on the summer school vacation, the day is the biggest
summer event on which adults and children enjoy themselves all night.
Switzerland is covered and decorated throughout the country with national
flags showing the white cross in the red field; items such as small flags,
paper lanterns, T-shirts, up to even Swiss flag style breads are available.
All sorts of things are designed by the motif of the national flag! One can
find Swiss mind here and feel that people are proud of their flag and loves
it. Ceremonies or fire works of the day begin by the singing of the Swiss
national anthem. But while the brass band plays solemnly, the singing
voices of the people are almost vanishing. Actually not many people know
the text and the words of the anthem completely, I heard. Because, in the
past the melody was same as the British song “God save the Queen”, and not
so many years have passed since the present melody was introduced in stead.
Like a joke “God shave the Queen”, somehow there is some distance of favor
compared to the national flag. This might tell you the difference and give
you a deep insight view into the Swiss mind; showing that they have a
highly independent spirit and are not just simply patriotic. However Swiss
people share the feeling of protecting their unique country in the world on
that day with the symbol of the legendary national hero called <William
On the other hand, the majority of
Japanese thinks rather complex about their National Day or disregards it
even after so many years after the end of war. The day was called
<Kigensetsu> before the war, and it is said that Emperor Jinmu
ascended on that day according to the legend. Japanese people have no habit
to celebrate that day already for a long time. Elder people seem to
hesitate to celebrate it publicly, and the younger generation seems to
wonder why they do not joyfully celebrate it like in other countries.
Anyway, the reasons have faded by the time and almost all the people do not
know any longer why. Nowadays we can see Japanese flags only on the
occasion of Olympic games or at International football matches. When I was
child, on the day of New Year or on public holidays, the gates of houses
were displayed with the national flag. I remember that we occasionally sang
the national anthem at school events too. But I haven’t seen such sceneries
already for a long time. Nowadays, if people see the national flag at
normal houses, it can be a suspicious sign of being right wing. We can see
and hear the singing of the national anthem on limited occasions such as
<Ohzumoh> or at victories on Olympic games. I still remember that I
learned the meaning of the national anthem at school. Our teacher explained
it bitterly and critically, “The Era of our Emperor should last thousands
As I am one of the post war baby boomer
generation, I like to look back at the Japanese education that I
experienced, regarding to the subject of Japanese history, ancient history
and medieval history; it used to proceed slowly like the speed of a
regional train, then afterwards the speed gradually accelerated, then it
proceeded through modern history with high speed like that of a super
express train, and contemporary history was touched just by headlines or
often omitted due to lack of time. Drifting away without any correct sense
of history before the war and after the war. My understanding is that the
ideological arguments were widely created among teachers and educational
authorities along with the extension of cold war, and at the end of tug of
war, the view about the Japanese history of the Japan teacher’s union and
the Education Ministry was taken over and the national anthem was
diminished at school. I think that I may say that almost every country in
the world experienced war, but a country like Japan that still has feelings
of remorse after the war seems to be rare. It seems that the politicians
who represented the country did not say simply a word of “Sorry for having
caused trouble to your nation” to invaded the countries immediately after
the war. Were they just afraid of huge war indemnities Japan that was
burned down to the ground almost everywhere after the war? As the process
of the land reconstruction continued, Japan seemed to have paid the
indemnities accordingly, however in the meantime the compensation was
called a support from rich countries to poor countries. Japan is therefore
branded as the country that was never able to heal the wounds of war
regarding to foreign countries and that idea seems to have been fixed.
Mr. Hideki Tohgi, Gagaku player and
composer, made Japanese classic music Gagaku enjoyable to everybody through
playing Hichiriki. I am fascinated by his music that reminds us a romance
of the everlasting universe. Once I heard that the Gagaku style Japanese
national anthem <Kimigayo (His Majesty's reign)> was called just a
song of Japan in the past, anyway the melody is solemn and beautiful. As I have been out of Japan for many years, I
think that the continued stiff arguments against the national anthem
make Japanese unhappy. I think to blame that upon a retro song about war is
childish such as “On the white base put a sun, Ah! Beautiful, Japanese
flag.” Based on history, Japanese will have not the will to do war again, I
think. True or not true, I heard that after the war a country wanted to buy
the symbol of the Japanese flag. Anyway, there is no question about the
Japanese flag; it is as simple, clear and beautiful. The Webpage of the Japanese Foreign Ministry (MOF)
introduces the national flags of the world, but I couldn’t find the Japanese
national anthem at all! After searching for a long time, I finally found it
at a private website of sports. Swiss national anthems from number one till
four with beautiful mixed chorus even in four languages are fully
introduced at the website of the Federal Administration. This contrast
proofs that the Japanese national anthem has still not yet received her a
right status.
Japan that did not promptly apologize
to certain countries for having caused trouble, therefore it missed the
time to be able to celebrate the national day with the whole nation, or to
be openly proud of their national flag and national anthem. But it might be a reason to maintain peace in
mind as we Japanese have some remorse about the war for decades. But nowadays there are hawkish controversialists
calling mockingly such Japanese as <peace-addicted>. I felt that the
inland media reported the memorial day of the Atomic bomb attack of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki this year even more perfunctory than before. The
United States (USA) as the perpetrator of that attack has still refused to
exhibit these Atomic bomb damages in USA. Only the victims and the
authorities of that regions continue to call for „no more Hiroshima, no
more Nagasaki“; it is not easy to appeal to the younger generation and the
international society, so therefore it is not easy to prevent the next
victims. The mission of politicians must be eager on that matter. My
concern about the present circumstances is, that influential politicians in the ruling
parties think seriously about visiting Yasukuni Shrine, but they seem
not so eager to participate at the ceremony of the memorial day of the
atomic bomb attack. On the other hand, considering their eagerness about
the matter regarding to the overseas deployment of troops, the day of
celebrating national day together with the whole nation seems even to
recede in the distance. If that is so, it might be widely accepted by the
Japanese to enact National Reconstruction Day on the day of the end of war instead of National
Foundation Day.
【Useful URL】
* Swiss National
http://www.admin.ch/ch/d/schweiz/psalm/index.html (D/F/I/R)
* World flags: http://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/world/kokki/ (J/E)
* Origin of
Kimigayo: http://www.tanken.com/kimigayo.html、
* The Official Homepage of Hiroshima
Peace Memorial Museum:
* Nagasaki Atomic
Bomb Museum Official Site:
http://www1.city.nagasaki.nagasaki.jp/na-bomb/museum/ (J/E)
* Maruki Museum of
Atomic bomb picture: http://www.aya.or.jp/~marukimsn/
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 Deutsch 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
Nationaler Gruendungstag und nationaler
Akiko Hürlimann
- Deutsche folgt -
[ Writer / 著者紹介 ]
Akiko Hürlimann: jp-Swiss-journal
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スイスと日本を基点にグローバルな視点で、ニュース性に重点を置きながら、適宜日英独仏語の多言語でお届けします。不定期発行: 発行案内はWeekly
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