Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine
★ jp-Swiss-journal ━ Vol. 88 – June 08, 2007 (Swiss Time)
【 目次 /
2007年6月17日 国民投票
明子 ヒューリマン
National Voting
on June 17, 2007
The 5th revision
of the disabled
insurance, and
Akiko Hürlimann
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
2007年6月17日 国民投票
明子 ヒューリマン
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
National Voting on June 17, 2007
The 5th revision of the disabled insurance, and local votes
Akiko Hürlimann
The Federal Government asks
peoples' decision about their 5th revision of the disabled insurance law. I
thought that there is only one bill to be voted on this time, however, the
envelope sent to us was thicker than usual. There are seven bills to be
voted on at prefecture level, and one at commune level. Furthermore, six
bills at prefecture level are about a revision of the prefecture
constitution, e.g. about polling; that is rather an abstract context for an
ordinary person, and I felt dizzy for a moment. It's rather heavy work to
study these matters properly and make a decision. All bills are proposed by
the federal, prefecture, and commune authorities and we are requested to
approve them. There is an option to write "Yes" for all by trusting
politicians and administrators. Nevertheless, I encouraged myself and
roughly tried to read through the material and reports of media.
At first, what about the
federal bill. Disabled people are against the bill, so I understand the
context of the bill must be severe for them. According to the explanation
by the Federal Government, the aim of the bill has two points; that's to
increase the working rate of disabled people, and to reduce expenditure of
disabled allowance. If we leave the fund with a huge amount in the red, the
state pension fund, which supports that shortage, might become in danger;
they try to bring back the fund in a healthy situation. It is said that
since the fund was introduced in 1960, the number of receivers nearly
tripled for 15 years between 1990 and 2005, paid amounts doubled for 25
years between 1980 and 2005, and in 2006 reached SFr. 299,000 person,
totally SFr. 6.4 billions. The shortage at the disabled insurance has been
compensated by the state pension fund, and in 2006, the red figure was
nearly a third of the state pension fund, that's 1.4% of the GDP (SFr. 455.6
billions in 2006 by JETRO). It showed that if it was continued like that,
the figure would exceed more than the amount of the state pension fund in
2017. The figure is certainly frightening us.
The often visible advertising
in the media is by SVP with the slogan of "Stop misuse". The
parties FDP and SVP are asking for a "healthy and stable disabled
insurance". Both say that the authorities are not capable to judge appropriate
provisions, granting allowances to eligible persons with light (disabled)
symptoms such as internet addiction, insomniac, or burnout syndrome. The
taxpayer has to pay for it which is against the society. Many foreign
eligible persons are also the target of criticism; it is listed up that
every second eligible person is of foreign origin. Other left wing parties
and labor unions are creating the campaign against it.
In fact, disabled people
include also mentally disabled persons; the number hired as staff is quite
small in the business field. "A compulsory law has to be introduced
that every company must hire disabled people" said Mr. Ruedi Meier who is responsible for welfare in the City
of Lucerne. The end of April, provocative posters were presented at mass
media for a brief while. Finance Minister Merz
and Interior Minister Couchepin were exhibited on
wheel chair pictures, Justice Minister Blocher
held a white stick, and SVP President Mr. Maurer was even put an artificial
hand at his right hand side, and so on. Further more, a few days later, a
caricature by a well known caricaturist covered the top page of a leading
newspaper with those posters with "NO". What a provocative
caricature it was! Disabled people had a hard history regarding to state
support, however, today they seem to be well treated.
Disabled people must have had
already a painful life, so I think it's absolutely necessary to pay special
attention to working conditions of disabled. It's not the right way to cut
the allowance in a democratic country without improving the working
possibilities for those people. Such a situation could happen to everyone
tomorrow. However, we cannot leave the explosively increasing financial
burden up; it breaks the state pension fund system. Personally, I think the
first thing to do is, introducing a law that obliges companies to hire a
certain number of disabled people. In that point, substantive or not, at
least the law is legislated in Japan as far as I know.
The polling at prefecture level
consists of seven bills, e.g. a revision of the state pension fund system
and polling about the prefecture constitution. The pension fund system drew
an active debate, of course. Civil servants of my residential prefecture
have a good reputation about their competency and motivation, both
subjectively and objectively, therefore, they seem to be well treated so
far. Either maintaining a system to acquire better qualified administrative
staff than private institutions or not, that is the important point to
consider for us. However, there is a point of view that, sooner or later,
the revision of the pension fund should be done due to the demographic
structure. Therefore, I would say "Yes" to an earlier engagement.
Other bills are about adjective laws of election and voting. The proposals
were made by local specialists, so I trust them and also vote "Yes".
A bill at commune level is about the expansion and renovation of a school
building. I will certainly vote "Yes" for the bill. Generally speaking,
school premises in Switzerland are very good and well maintained the same
as private houses.
【 Editor's comment 】
I thought again that Swiss
people are diligent, but they are expected to be even more diligent. In
their spare time of everyday life, if they have to understand and make a
reasonable decision of those contexts, they have to keep their interest at
an every day base. As a private matter, my mother in law used to read
through newspaper, and listen to the radio news many times a day. I
listened to her opinion from time to time. If she was still alive, I would
be under her tutelage, I think.
We are intending to offer you current topics, based on Switzerland
Japan with global view as a multi lingual magazine. Irregular release:
Weekly Swiss News Headlines will inform Issuing schedule.
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