Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine
★ jp-Swiss-journal ━ Vol. 95 – March 26, 2008 (Swiss Time)
【 目次 /
明子 ヒューリマン
Life plan for the
Akiko Hürlimann
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
明子 ヒューリマン
医療の充実は健康保険制度と共に、スイスは目覚しいものがある。先ず家庭医の存在が大きい。必要に応じて家庭医が専門医や病院に連絡を取ってくれるので、救急車で運ばれて治療を断られるような事は先ずない。医療機関について言えば、高額な治療費を覚悟しなければならない私立病院は別にして、大都会の大学病院や大病院よりは、中小都市の中核病院の対応の方が患者が集中しない分評価が高いようだ。検査や手術が安心して任せられるのは弊誌Vol. 91 と Vol. 58 でお伝えしてある通り。だが、医師が自分の健康状態と体質の全てを把握してくれるわけではないのだから、日頃から自身の体質と生活習慣を知って予防措置を講じるのが基本だろう。その為、伝統療法に注目するようになった。日本の医学生は漢方の講義も受ける様になったと聞いた事があるが、誠に結構なことだと思う。
自助努力は当然の事ながら、安心感を得る為にもスイスには高齢者を支える優れた仕組みがある。州毎に組織されている高齢者と家族の為の福祉基金「プロ・セネクテューテ(Pro Senectute)*」だ。専門家、職員、ヴォランティアなどが様々な老人福祉のサポートを行っている。新たに対象となる人々には定期的に講習会を行い、新しい門出となる定年後の心構えや健康の維持、財政面の管理等様々な知恵を授けてくれる。語学、芸術をはじめおびただしい種類の成人教育、スポーツ、旅行、催し物等のプログラムが安価に提供されている。元気な人はこうした活動に参加するだけではなく、講師として登録し、サポートする道も開かれている。公的書類の処理や納税・財政管理などが困難になった場合は、プロ・セネクテューテの専門家に頼む事も出来る。家事のサポートも、車の送迎も申し込めば手配してくれる。
こうしたシステムに支えられれば老後を自立して生きる事は可能だ。老人ホームに入る人もいるし、高齢者のグループホームもある。特別養護老人ホームに相当する <Pfregeheim> もあるし、ホスピスもある。だが、こうした施設を維持するには大きな社会的な負担が前提になっている。いずれ社会がそうした負担に耐え切れないものになる可能性をマスコミで指摘され始めている。その為にも、自宅で暮らし続ける事を奨励する傾向が出てきている。人は1人で生まれて大抵1人で生を終えることになっているのだから、往生際よく観念した方が良さそうだ。ということで、最後の時まで慣れ親しんだ自宅での生活を楽しむことにしよう。と、現時点では考えることにした。事情が変われば、この方針を変えることもあるかもしれないが、その時はその時、一応の覚悟を決めておけば、変化に対応しなければならない時、大いなる助けになるだろう。
*1 http://www.pro-senectute.ch/d/index.cfm?ID=7 (D/F/I)
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pro_Senectute (D)
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
Life plan for the golden-years
Akiko Hürlimann
Aging related words are
commonly used as <silver> in Japan. In English, it's named <gold>; it's blazing. Because of
imaging the sun? In German, it's called <Lebensabend>,
literally meaning twilight years. Anyway, when I think about the life plan
for the rest of my life, at first, I think about three major elements, such
as <Medicare, Food, and Housing>. These three items should be
supported by the economic power. They are based on the state pension fund
(AHV), the company pension fund, and own savings. Almost all people have to
afford their living with limited financial resources. Swiss Medicare and
Housing, I would say, have an ultimate high standard in the world.
Considering the aging process in the future, I will experience physical
malfunctions here and there. In order to create an independent life,
priority should automatically be given according to following order.
Ample medical treatment is
remarkable in Switzerland. At first, the presence of a family (home) doctor is essential.
As the need arises, the family (home) doctor takes the necessary steps for
his patient assigning him to a specialized doctor (specialist) or hospital,
refusal of treatment won't happen, in case a patient is delivered by an
ambulance car. As for medical institutions, apart from private hospitals
where we have to be ready to pay an expensive bill, patients appraised
central hospitals in mid- and small sized cities as better because they
might be less crowded than university hospitals or big hospital in major
cities. Medical checking and operations are reliable too, as I reported in
the previous version of Vol. 91 and Vol. 58. However, doctors might not
know the entire past medical history of a patient and his personal
circumstances, so as a principle, you have to know your own constitution
and life-style, and find own prevention methods. For that reason, I became
interested in traditional (medical) treatments. I learned that Japanese
medical students have started to learn traditional medicine too, and I
think that's quite correct.
About housing, it is said that
elderly people in Switzerland tend to wish to live in a flat rather than in a one-family
house, therefore, condominiums have become more expensive recently. Many
people have enjoyed gardening at retirement age, and on the other hand,
many elderly people feel enough to work in a garden. Besides, flats attract
them more because of the collective maintenance system, which makes people
more comfortable and secured. I appreciate the comfortable Swiss housing
very much, for its well-made isolation and collective heating system
regarded as a standard. My <residence town> with about 20,000
inhabitants, where I've lived for years has just the right size for a
human; I can run an errand for everyday matter on foot. The ideal is a <Shichu no sankyo> (the
idea is living in a mountain cottage in a city) where I can enjoy the
mountain atmosphere in a city. Even a balcony can create a similar
atmosphere by arranging it with green. Inside a house, if I arrange wooden
household equipments as much as possible, and reduce steel, glass, and
leather materials little by little, that's makes me feel good.
An indispensable thing for
everyday living is food; in Switzerland, it is reliable regarding to supply and safety, but with its
quality and great variety it cannot compete with Japan. It might be nowhere better in the world than in Japan. I confirmed my taste about food, and my favor turned to the
Japanese kitchen more and more as well as year-by-year. I had to give up my
own wishes about food when I cannot work in my kitchen any longer. However,
people in Switzerland became health-conscious; I could enjoy hospital meals that
contained fewer animals' fat (adipose) and many kinds of vegetables. So
that I might not miss Japanese meals as I presently think. At present
health trends, I can see the possibility of more Japanese food in the
future. I will wait for it with hope. After many years living in Switzerland, I've adopted simple meals. During travels in Japan, I am occasionally satiated after eating too much. Then soon,
I feel that simple meals are gentler to my body, and I can easily go back
to my normal eating habits.
Regarding to mental health, I
try to read local newspapers (in German) and listen to the radio in order
to get some ideas what's going on in our society. I can confirm uncertain
information through Japanese TV programs, Internet, and Japanese monthly
magazines. We cannot live here with only Japanese knowledge. As my German
and English levels are far from my mother tongue, but at least, I should be
able to manage my everyday life. Especially at medical clinics or official
organizations, the communication capability is not negligible. If I leave
the matter up to third persons, big misunderstanding could occur. Anyway,
unless I can manage the communication in the local language, I should
accept to be treated as a child. That's the reality. I learned that our
brain is never tired; it works day and night for maintaining our mind and
body. So, I try not to be lazy and use my brain as much as possible.
Self-help is inevitable; there
is an outstanding system to support elderly people in Switzerland. The system is called <Pro Senectute>*
organized in each prefecture for elderly people and for their families.
Specialists, personnel, and volunteers support many kinds of welfare for
the aged. They offer regularly introductory seminars to newly interested
people, and give ideas to prepare for the new period of life, health
maintenance, managing financial matters and so on. They provide also a big
variety of programs such as foreign language, sports, travel, and events
with reasonable cost. Healthy people cannot only attend the courses, but
can also register themselves as instructors. If you'll have difficulties to
handle official documents, tax declaration, and managing financial matters,
you can also ask to <Pro Senectute> for the
help by the specialists. If you ask them, they will organize household
support and transport by car.
If we are supported by such a
system, it's possible to live independently. Some people go to an elderly
home. There are group-homes for the aged, special nursing homes called <Pflegeheim>, and <hospice-care>. However, maintaining
those facilities brings a heavy social burden. Media started to imply that
such a burden would not be able to bear by the society. For this reason, a
new trend is to recommend people living in their own home. As we were born
alone, and often expire alone; we'd better resign ourselves to accept the
reality. Then, I will enjoy my life up to the end at my sweet home. So, I
decided to think like that at the moment. If the circumstances would
change, I might also change my mind. Anyhow, it's depending on the situation,
if I had prepared myself, it would help me when I have to adopt myself to
the change.
* http://www.pro-senectute.ch/d/index.cfm?ID=7
【Editor's comment】
Standing in front of the aged
period of life (<silver age>), I try to write this message in order
to analyze my own thoughts. I wonder what kind of plan our readers have
described in their minds.
We are intending to offer you
current topics, based on Switzerland and Japan with global view as a multi lingual magazine. Irregular
release: Weekly Swiss News Headlines will inform Issuing schedule. Please
subscribe both mail magazines. Some amendment can be made later.
スイスと日本を基点にグローバルな視点で、ニュース性に重点を置きながら、適宜日英独仏語の多言語でお届けします。不定期発行: 発行案内はWeekly Swiss News Headlines からも随時お知らせしますので、両誌共にご愛読お願い致します。 後日修正が加えられる場合があります。
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If you wish to refer our text, please
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☆ Issuer / 発行元: the editors' Group of jp-Swiss-journal
Editor & web-master: Akiko Huerlimann
┃ Sister Mail Magazine:
Swiss News Headlines】 Number
of readers: 2,383
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