Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine
★ jp-Swiss-journal
━ Vol. 98
– July 05,
2008 (Swiss Time)
【 目次 /
明子 ヒューリマン
Akiko Hürlimann
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
明子 ヒューリマン
グラウビュンデンSVPの動きだが、これ以前の5月23日、クリストッフェル・ブレンドゥリ全州議会議員はSVPに次ぐ保守政党自由民主党(FDP)との合併を持ちかけて仲間を驚かせたが、これに対して、ハンスヨェルク・ハッスラー国民議会議員は新党旗揚げを望んでいると報じられていた。そして、6月早々グラウビュンデンのSVPはついに分裂した。追い出された反主流派は6月16日300人以上の代議員と多くの党員が集まって新党を旗揚げした。党名は〈Buergerliche Partei Schweiz(BDP)〉。代表には州議会議員のマルクス・ハスラー氏が決まった。Buergerlich はドイツ語でVolkと同義語だからこの名称が又論議を呼んだ。グラウビュンデンSVPの居残り組みはツューリッヒのSVPとは一線を画し、活動方針は経済振興を柱に穏
ベルンのSVPの動きは、州議会では16名が離党を望み、29名が分裂に反対で、離脱組みは未だ確たる構想と多数の賛同者が得られていない状態だと報じられていた折も折、古参のヘルマン・ヴェイエネス党員がシュミードゥ国防相を「裏切り者」呼ばわりして、シュミードゥ国防相は苦境に立たされていた。が、ベルンのSVPでも6月22日土曜日239人が集り、SVPベルンを離脱してベルンの〈Buergerliche Partei Schweiz〉*2)を結成した。ベアトリス・シモン女史が代表に納まり、記者会見で秋には〈BuergerlichePartei Schweiz〉の全国組織結成を目指すと勇ましく語った。一方党執行部のお膝元のツューリッヒSVPにも離党してより民主的な新党結成を望むリスベス・フェー国民議会議員やペーター・シュプーラー国民議会議員の
*1) スイス国民党(保守): http://www.svp.ch/
*2) Berner〈Buergerliche
Partei Schweiz〉:
*3) ターゲス・アンツァイガー紙 http://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/
The Swiss Portal(スイス国内事情):
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
Fragmented Conservatives
Akiko Hürlimann
I informed about the national
voting in our latest issue, as expected the result was, that all three
bills supported by SVP were rejected. (Swiss Volks
Party)*1). Media reported a complete defeat of the SVP. Exactly on the day
of national polling on June 1, SVP President Toni Brunner informed the
party's decision to exclude Federal Councilor Mrs. Widmer-Schlumpf
and the cantonal SVP Graubunden. Beforehand, reportedly
the SVP Berne parliamentary faction desperately tried to convince the party
leaders to reconsider the decision, however,
their effort wasn't successful. I got the impression, "That was the
last straw for the mainstream." The party leaders had wished to get
back the Federal Justice Minister post of Mrs. Eveline
Widmer-Schlumpf. The Federal Justice Ministry
however judged that there was no legal basis for a change of that post,
unless she would apostates by herself.
The next day, on June 3,
Defense Minister Samuel Schmid originated of Berne
SVP told media his intention "I don't want to stay at a SVP that has
excluded the SVP Graubunden, I will leave the
party by the end of August. 36 liberal-minded parliament members of SVP
Berne as well as leading party members agreed and signed for that
suggestion, but in case if that attempt failed, then we intend to form a
new party." SVP leaders didn't show any change in their attitude about
the matter by saying "We do not convince anyone to be our party
member." Media reported, "The biggest party SVP will soon have no
Federal Councilor." With the present situation, SVP has to wait for
the post of Defense Minister Schmid by 2010, and
for the post of Justice Minister Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf by 2011.
As for the movement of SVP Graubunden, it was reported on May 23, that the Bundner SVP-Councilor of State Christoffel
Braendli surprised his colleagues by suggesting a
merger with the FDP (Free Democratic Party), that is a conservative party
next to SVP. On the other hand, National Councilor Hansjoerg
Hassler wanted to form a new party. The beginning
of June, at last, the Graubunden SVP became riven. The kicked out anti-mainstream members got
together, there were more than 300 people, and on June 16 formed a new
party. The party name is called 〈Buergerliche Partei Schweiz(BDP)〉. As the
first president, State Councilor Markus Hasler
was chosen. The remaining members of SVP Graubunden
are going to keep a certain distance with SVP Zurich, and their action
policy is based on economic promotion, aiming a moderate stance.
As for the movement of the
Berne SVP, reportedly 16 of the State Councilors wish to step down from the
party, and 29 of them were against. The secessionists from the party still
don't have a concrete conception yet, and haven't yet acquired many advocates.
On that situation, senior SVP member Mr. Hermann Weyeneth
called Defense Minister Schmid a
"traitor" and Mr. Schmid was put into a
critical situation. However, 239 members of the Berne SVP gathered together
on June 22, broke away and formed the Berne〈Buergerliche Partei Schweiz〉*2). Mrs.
Beatrice Simon became the first president, and she valiantly talked to the
press, telling that they are going to found the〈Buergerliche Partei Schweiz〉of
Switzerland in coming autumn. On the other hand, within the SVP Zurich,
party leader's home territory, the moderate National Councilor Mrs. Lisbeth Fehr raised an outcry
against the hard-liner party leaders, hoping for apostasy and founding new
party. Or, the SVP National Councilor Peter Spuhler
wished that Mr. Christoph Blocher
wouldn't miss the opportunity for his resignation. Regarding that movement,
diverse readers' opinions had been shown in newspapers; many views welcomed
such liberal and democratic movements. Democracy is the gospel for Swiss
people indeed.
The national polling on June 1
obviously showed that only financial muscles couldn't control the result.
Though the SP (Socialist Democratic Party) considered that political contribution
can influence to political parties, and claimed listed companies to open
their contributed amount. So far the Federal Parliament refused to open political
contributions. Therefore, the SP took a strategy to whip up the interest of
shareholders. Almost all listed companies answered the question of direct
contribution to parties "yes" or "no", and the result
was reported by Tages-Anzeiger on June 12.
However, further disclosure would be quite uncomfortable for shareholders.
In Switzerland, government subsidies are provided only to Federal Parliamentary
factions. At any rate, almost all political parties possess an organization
or foundation for their fund management and donations are paid through such
channels. Furthermore, such an organization needn't to declare the funds.
Constituency should keep in mind that political activity needs lots of
Well well,
late in June, SVP president Toni Brunner became in trouble because of his
information leaking. Anyway, the SVP was split, and kicked out the party
members of Graubunden SVP, which is under pressure
for decision making whether to remain in SVP or join to BDP. However,
reportedly nobody wants to be separated and wishes to be united again one
day. When Zurich hard-liners lose their vigor, reunification might be realized.
Now, I see a certain direction is settled, and I'm very much interested in
peoples' evaluation about political parties. Since conservatives are
fragmented, people seem to be puzzled about political support. However,
I've got the impression that people's judgment has no discrepancy to
individual political measurement and bill for national polling in Switzerland.
*1) Swiss Volks
Party (SVP): http://www.svp.ch/
*2) Berner〈Buergerliche Partei Schweiz〉:
The Swiss Portal:
【Editor's comment】
It was reported that the
possibility of a re-election of Mrs. Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf as Federal Councilor seems to be very
tight in the next term, even though she is very competent. Defense Minister
Samuel Schmid accomplished the reforms, it is
said that he will resign the present post in next term. Though both belong
to conservative parties, they are reliable and liberal politicians. It is a
pity if they had to leave from the inner-circle of the Federal Government
based on the political situation. The existence of healthy liberals depends
on the conservatives; therefore, I wish to blow fresh wind again to conservatives.
We are intending to offer you
current topics, based on Switzerland and Japan with global view as a multi lingual magazine. Irregular
release: Weekly Swiss News Headlines will inform Issuing schedule. Please
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